
Who Qualifies as a UK Immigrant?

Immigrants are the people who leave their home country for various reasons. They either have a desire for higher studies, better wages, economic prosperity or family reunification. The UK is among the most favorable countries where immigrants want to move. That’s because conditions for immigrants are more favorable in the UK. Economic growth, demand for skilled persons and specialists are the major reasons. This is why immigrants travel to the UK for both low-skilled labor and lucrative opportunities.

Most immigrants come from third world countries, especially India and Pakistan. Many people search Immigration Solicitors Near Me but don’t fully understand the immigration process. They don’t know whether they qualify as a UK immigrant or not.

What Makes You Eligible as a UK Immigrant?

Having enough information about the immigration process is mandatory. This can increase your chances to enter the UK as an immigrant. The British government has certain criteria for immigrants and we are going to inform you about it in this article.

Types of UK Immigrants

There are different reasons why people want to immigrate. But the UK authorities offer a visa to immigrants under these categories.

1.As a Worker or Investor

Immigrants can enter as workers or investors in the UK. A large number of immigrants are present in the UK on work visas. The number of work immigrants may increase as Brexit has added fuel to this fire. The UK authorities fear there will be a shortage of skilled persons.

A work visa allows immigrants to stay and work on a long or short-term basis. There are different work visas that you may apply for. It all depends on your qualifications, skills, and sponsorship or job offer. You may also have to tell the authorities what type of work you’ll be doing during your stay.

You can also get an Innovator visa or a Start-up visa. These visas are for those who want to start a business or invest in the UK.

2.As a Student

Immigrants who want to enter the UK for educational purposes can apply for study visas. There are also different types of study visas for UK immigrants. What type of visa you get depends on your request and qualifications. Place of study, course type, and length also affect which visa you can get.

A. Child Student Visa

As the name represents, this is for those immigrants who are under 18 years. Children whose ages range from 4 to 17 years can get a Child student visa. Immigrants can also work part-time if they are over 16 years of age.

B. General Student Visa

This is a visa for an immigrant who wants to study for a long time period. Immigrants who get a general student visa can also work. But they must have a confirmation from a licensed university or college. Plus, you must also have a staying place for yourself.

C.Short-term Study Visa

This is a short-term visa for immigrants who want to enter the UK. The time period for this visa is only 6 months. But if you are required to take a curse on the English language, the staying time may extend to 11 months.

3.As a Family Member

Immigrants can also enter the UK on a family visa. This is in case you are a family member, partner or spouse of a British citizen. The British law entitles you to join your family on a family visa. But your family member has to prove that he/she can financially support you.

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Written by Phoebe Lambert

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