
How Content Readability Impacts SEO?

Content readability impacts greatly for search engine optimization of a site. If the content is valuable and understandable, there is considerable potential to increase in the traffic on the site. There are a number of ways in which content can compel the reader to read completely. Not readability of content also affects search engine optimization of a site. If content is not readable, the site will lose optimization as less traffic will be on the way for that particular site. SEO services in London fairly follows the audience centered patterns. In that way it can be said that content readability directly impacts search engine optimization of the site. Some of the ways which can help to create better content which is readable and understandable for audiences are following:

Short sentences 

Use short sentences for writing. There are a number of benefits of short sentences. Short sentences are easy to make. These are easy to read. These are easy to understand. These convey clear meaning. These are easy to digest.

Easy sentences 

All readers are not native english speakers. Most of the best sites are in english language. People prefer reading in english language. That is why easy sentences are easy to assimilate for those who have english as a secondary language.

Less use of jargons 

Jargons are not for simple understanding. These are purely for research purposes. No doubt jargons have an impact on the expression of the writing. But readability lies in understanding most.

Use of headings

Use more and more headings. These make the style of writing unique and easy to read for readers. Headings show the main important points about a particular topic. There are people who do not want to read complete articles. They can grasp the idea of the article by reading headings.

Explain the main idea clearly 

If possible, write the purpose of the article in the first line. If possible, write the main idea clearly in the first paragraph of the article. It also increases content readability. Creating suspense for simple ideas is meaningless. Most of the people do not like suspense in normal content writing.

Consistency in the design of writing 

Writing should be coherent. There should be flow in writing. Design of writing should be consistently going to the conclusion.

User friendly font 

There are a number of fonts that can be used for writing. Normally times new roman is used for writing. It is a more user friendly font. Some websites provide customization of the font to users. Giving such options on the sites increases the readability on the website. In this way, search engine optimization increases.

Use active sentences, passive are difficult to read 

Keep in mind, psychologically people do not like to read passive voice sentences. It is recommended that to increase the readability active voice sentences should be used.

These are few of many suggestions that can increase the impact of the readability over search engine optimization of the site. These are easy to follow suggestions and can help to increase traffic on the site.

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Written by Phoebe Lambert

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