
7 Clever Inventions You Can Use in Everyday Lives

We live in a modern world full of technological hopes and desires. Whereat one point new inventions became the reason for the industrial revolution now have become our reasoning for being lazy. But if you do look from the third perspective, then there are some inventions that are a complete marvel like cellphones, electricity, or computers.

Technology is ever-evolving and so are the ideas. Since there isn’t a lack of brilliant minds, you’d be surprised how creative our minds are when it comes to inventions and innovations. So now, in modern times we have overcome the inventions of electricity or power plants to the more peculiar and smaller in sizes gadgets that are quite close to perfection.

These inventions are clever, proportionally smart, and of course, have made our lives easier in a fashion. With a lot going on lately in terms of these cool and smart inventions we have picked the top choices that have made thighs easier, safer, and faster for the majority of us.

The Finger Guard

How many times have you cut your finger while slicing onions or any other vegetable? You can definitely save your fingers from the obnoxious cuts by just placing a finger guard on your fingers. You can avoid getting your fingers from getting pinched, crushed, or amputated. You can buy them from any local store or order online from Amazon.

Mini Coffee Maker

So for the coffee addicts, this is the affordable option to carry a portable espresso coffee maker at all times. If you are not keen on buying a bulky espresso machine, a mini espresso maker is quite charming. It can create two cups of coffee in one go. So even if you are sitting in bed or traveling down the road, you don’t have to make coffee stops.

it s a convenient way of caffeine consumption.

Bottle opener Remote

Known as the β€œClicker”, a bottle opener remote is what your dads or husbands will find amusing. If they are in the middle of a football game and don’t want to miss any goals or important news going on in life, then a bottle opener remote is handy too. You just stick (fit) it onto the remote side, the opening edge on the opposite side. Just flip! And that’s it.


A modern luggage accessory that can come pretty handy if you think of it in a fun way. Imagine being at the airport for long and got nothing to kill the time. A suitcase-scooter is a tiny possibility for you to scoot around the airport while your items are tucked safely in the scooter at the front end. Or even if you are marching down the pavement from the bus stop just glide on the scooter instead of walking.

Self-Heating Butter Knife

How do you like your toast? I like-mined grilled with just the right splash of butter on the top and maybe some maple too. But getting your knife all greasy and ruining the butter is not gonna make you happy. A self-heating butter knife is the perfect kitchen gadget that doesn’t require an exothermic reaction. Made with titanium alloyed bronze metal it can even be named the most advanced butter knife in the world!

To Do List Tattoo

Forgot to bring something from the store? Well, we can do really nothing about your forgetful memory but what we canΒ do is to suggest you get yourself a to-do ist Tattoo! You must have scribbled on your hand’s in your childhood. Well, your palm deserves more than just that. Get the tattoo that can be removed easily. You can jot the list on it and don’t even have to carry a notepad or even a reminder only your cellhpone. The pack comes with 12 temporary notepad tattoos.

Passcode USB

USB victims beware now! There’s a new superhero in town in the shape of a portable USB but with a knick of twist. It’s a passcode USB. just like with a locker, you get to apply a code to make it workable! So in any case someone steals your USB and is likely to encrypt the important data you had stored, be assured it will be safe with the passcode USB.

No More Worrying Anymore Over Unprotected Data.

I’m sure, as time goes by we will even surprise ourselves with new smarter, and cooler inventions that will take less and less space over time. Which on if your favorite invention from the list and why? Do let us know if you are aware of anything equally cleverer!

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Written by Alice Barianna

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