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Importance of the Quality of Water While Cooking

Water is the most essential part of food production, as it is used in many of the processes from cleaning to its manufacturing purposes. It is used routinely in food production processes as a vital ingredient.

1. Introduction:

· The beverages contain almost 90% of the beverages and the quality of the water may have a huge impact on the taste of the drink and on the brand protection.

· Hence, the water supplied to the industries producing food and beverages should be managed properly and should be of the best quality. As the quality of the food depends on the quality of water it is processed on.

2. Water source

· Many food production companies are supplied with drinking water to use in the food production process that ensures that the foods are not contaminated. Drinking water is made safe for human consumption like drinking, cooking, food preparation, etc.

· The water is supplied to the food manufacturing companies by the local government authorities or by the food business itself. However, the water is supplied from the variety of sources such as groundwater, surface water, rain water or sea water.

3. Water quality treatment

· The quality of water depends on the source of water, from where the water is supplied. Water may be supplied from one of the sources mentioned above, but it goes through the RO water filter system which eliminates all the impurities and makes it safe to use.

· The companies should evaluate the incoming water sources and should keep a check on the water quality and its sources. A large food manufacturing company with multiple plant sites may undergo a wide variant in water quality at each location. This can affect the quality of the final product.

· If there are any errors in the water supply or its purification process, then the contaminated water may degrade the food and beverages. Water should be treated well with the best quality purification system. Some food manufacturing companies have pre-installed RO water purification system. Some of the companies which don’t have the purification system fitted in their company get their water purified from a water treatment plant before using it into food processes.

4.  Impurities in water

There are many pollutants in the atmosphere which contaminates the water bodies, which is the ultimate source of water supply to many of the food manufacturing companies.

· Hazardous and harmful substances are not necessarily born in the water itself, but they can enter the water from the environment.

· Microorganisms and bacteria like protozoa and helminths may come in Still water, and these microbes can causes diseases if enters the human body.

· Most of the pathogens enter the water through animals or human sewage and some types of pathogens grow in water.

5. Use of water in food production

· Mainly there are four uses of water in food production :

a) Primary production

b) Cleaning

c) As a component or an ingredient

d) Processing

· Water is mostly used in crop production in farms, in irrigation purposes, livestock farming, etc. dairy farming also uses a large amount of water to water the livestock, and general cleaning and hygiene of the animals.

· Clean sea water is not potable, but it is permitted to use the sea water in the processing operations such as washing the fishery products etc.

· To conserve water, the recycling of used water is increasing nowadays. It reduces costs and provides securities for water supplies.

· The food manufacturing companies require water for cleaning the raw food items or to use as an ingredient.

6. Conclusion 

There are many rules regarding the water treatment in the food manufacturing companies, rules regarding food safety. Those rules should be strictly followed as the safety of supplied water affects the safety of food. And neither the company nor the consumers can afford unsafe food.

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Written by Calida Jenkins

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