
Personal Injury Lawsuit: 7 Tips to Maximize Your Settlement

Have you been injured in an accident that was entirely someone else’s fault?

As much as you’d want to, you can’t go back in time to avoid it. However, you most certainly can get yourself full and fair compensation for the injuries you’ve incurred. You‘d obviously want the maximum payout to cover your medical bills. After all, why should you suffer because of another person’s carelessness?

The tough part is already behind you. So, start planning for filing a personal injury lawsuit because what you do next is crucial.

You know a personal injury case can cost a lot of time and money. So, you’re definitely taking action by teaming up with a professional personal injury attorney.

But is there something that you can do to help your attorney to get you maximum compensation? Sure, there is!

Follow these useful tips to maximize your settlement after filing a personal injury lawsuit.

Collect Evidence

When you take matters to the court, the jury only wants evidence. The evidence you preserve also determines the strength of your case and influences the decision of the other party to offer you fair compensation.

The more you do to collect evidence, the greater your chances of winning the case!

Start by clicking pictures of the accident scene as well as your immediate injuries. If the vehicle is damaged, take its photos too. The next step is to get the contact information of the driver/s involved in the accident and the witnesses. Calling the police at this point is important because they’ll write an official police report and take your statement of the incident. Make sure you get a copy of that report to help your attorney prepare your case.

Get Your Injuries Treated

If you’re in pain after an accident, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Even if you see only a few bruises and scratches, get them checked because some injuries only get worse with time. Besides, the accident might leave you too overwhelmed and even traumatized to determine the extent of your injuries.

The best course of action is to see a doctor or medical health professional. They’ll document your injuries and devise a treatment plan. Getting an overall picture of injuries will work in your favor to push the other party to offer a higher settlement.

That being said, make sure you follow the treatment plan strictly. If the doctor advises you to get physical therapy or seek help for flashbacks or post-traumatic stress, do it.

Know Your Rights

Many individuals end up getting much lesser settlement than they deserve just because they don’t value their claim fully. You shouldn’t make the same mistake. Recovery programs are expensive and you wouldn’t want to pay them out of your pocket.

There are several categories of damage that you may not be aware of. Your injury may be just one of them. When filing a personal injury lawsuit, you can claim compensation for emotional trauma or compromised body functions and limbs. An experienced personal injury attorney will guide you on this by evaluating each category individually.

Don’t Do Anything Reckless

After you’ve filed a personal injury claim, your activities will be monitored. The other party’s insurance company will likely hire an investigator to keep a check on you. They won’t miss any chance to prove that you’re a fraud. Therefore, make sure you’re at your best behavior and you don’t give away any evidence that may weaken your case.

This also means staying off social media until a settlement is reached. If you claim serious injuries and your social media pages tell a different story, no one will believe you. The best way to go about this is by avoiding any discussion of your injury case until your case is decided.

Wait, the Best Offer is Yet to Come

More often than not, the first offer made by the insurance company of the other party is a low-ball figure. Individuals who’re too hasty to receive compensation end up getting much less than what they deserve.

So, make sure you have the patience to let your attorney negotiate the best offer for you. No matter how eager you’re to get a check, don’t settle on the first couple of rounds, at least. We know you’re going through a tough time but the wait is only in your best interest.

Build a Strong Case

The stronger the case you build, the more pressurized the other party will be to offer a maximum settlement.

During the case preparation process, you’ll have to fulfill the requests of the other party for information. Meanwhile, your attorney will also conduct depositions or use record depositions to gather information from the witnesses. Moreover, you may pay a few visits to a medical professional while your attorney works with the witnesses to build a strong case for you.

File Your Case as Soon as Possible

The time you get to file your case after an accident happens is limited. If you don’t act fast, time will run out.

Filing your case is also a prerequisite to beginning the process of evidence collection formally. It also lets the other party know that you’re serious about involving the court and getting a fair settlement.

Hire a Professional Personal Injury Attorney 

Recovering from an accident, both physically and mentally, is difficult. You shouldn’t have to fight the battle of getting fair compensation alone. Hiring a professional personal injury attorney is the best thing you can do to win maximum compensation that you’re owed. They’ll help you every step of the way and communicate with the other party to get you a fair settlement.

With these tips to maximize your settlement, get ready to build a strong personal injury case that results in maximum compensation for you! For further details and assistance, contact Mayfield Settlement Funding today.

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Written by Emily Scott

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