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Importance of Tech certifications at the time of Hiring

tech certification
tech certification

Nowadays, hiring managers don’t just end up choosing a candidate through a personal interview and information that is mentioned in the CV. The hiring platforms have become a little more stringent and there are better recruitment tools that are now used y them to ensure that right candidate is hired. In today’s time, along with the assessment, it is the certification that candidate achieves which holds a good importance and value. There are different technical and valuable certifications that show the extra experience and knowledge which a candidate approaching for the job opening in your company holds.

Referring to the Tech certifications and the interview process

During any point of the interview process, be it after assessment, before assessment or during the personal interview, certification issue is something that is bound to come up. The potential IT employee is quite keen to know what all extra commands of skills and knowledge a candidate who has appeared in their company carries. This way the employer tends to create the value of the candidate depending on different certification since it shows the job candidate is capable of taking up while learning new technologies and improving himself in that particular sector or not which is crucial to be known.

Remember, the need for the certification completely depends on the technical maturity if the team along with the individual’s role and desired impact. However, most of the certification which will not give you a clear idea of how long would it actually take for an interview to understand about the new technology. For this, solely using the assessment is required.

But if you are hiring for the entry-level position such as helpdesk desktop support and even the general technical type of roles, certification can be helpful since it gives a clear snapshot of the knowledge of the person. For the people who would apply for such jobs either would have a little experience or there might be a certification that can be a good option to understand what they actually expect from you to get out of the job.

Understand there are situations in which a broad range of technology concepts needs to be measured such as security, network, and services and for such option software certifications can prove beneficial for the recruiters. Although there are some employees who are into framework and languages that may not prefer the certification if your company is not one of them then certification can prove to be a beneficial source for you.

There are still many people who believe that too many certifications available in the market are something not so difficult to get. But if you wish to understand whether the candidate that you are planning to hire is the right one to choose or not then it is, of course, anytime better to seek for the assessment solution and analyze the behavioral and working pattern of the person. This way it will help you know whether the person has actually wasted his time and money on some wrong source or has utilized in the best possible manner.

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Written by Sujain Thomas

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