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How to Find Your Talent and Passion

There are no people on this earth who don’t have a talent. Each of us is good in at least one thing. It can be decorating the house, gardening or painting. But most of us become unaware of these things due to the race of the real world. Because we must get a good job to earn money, cause without money we cannot survive.

But at times we need to follow what our heart wants to do. Unfortunately, because of running after money most of us couldn’t find the time to acknowledge our talents or don’t have the chance to develop it.

So, if you are in search of your hidden talents, here how you can find them…

Extra curriculum activity in our childhood: We all had some extracurricular activities in childhood that we loved to do. Just try and remember about those days and what you always wanted to do as a child. Was it taking a dance class? Or the pottery class? Try to connect with those things again and practice as much as possible. Or I can join a class to improvise these skills I have. If someone didn’t have any of those classes in their childhood they can always start by trying new things and experiment. One will definitely find something they like to do.

Anything that inspires you: For me, whenever I listen to music I feel happy and hum along with it. Is there something that affects you like this? Or maybe seeing someone do things can be inspiring enough to try. Going back to the memories and I try to remember is there anything I do without any problems but for others, it is hard to do. Or saw someone do one thing and felt like I can do that better. That can be my talent.

A wish you still want to fulfil: I have always loved writing and reading stories and one day I finally discovered an app called Wattpad. This app allows me to write stories, so I started to publish my own stories and soon enough I got over 100 people who read my writings. Like this, we all have some kind of wish as a child that we still want to achieve but couldn’t. It can be because of lack of opportunity or some other problems. I can still fulfil that dream, I just need to have some passion for it. There are many people I know, who are doing their jobs as well as keeping up with maintaining their hobbies. As long we are willing to work for it there is nothing we cannot do.

Something you spend time with uninterruptedly: Having a job with a right amount of pay is very important but it is also important to do what we really enjoy. That is why people have hobbies they maintain at least once a week. But sometimes people are so driven by their passion that they quit their jobs to fulfil their dreams. Maybe I am good at writing stories or when free I like to click pictures whenever I see something if I am enjoying these stuff every day that can surely be a talent.

A Personality Test: Personality tests are designed in such a manner which can pinpoint our characteristics.  In this test, we will be given questions based on our interests, our values, the things that inspire us and our behaviours. It is very important to answer each question as honestly as we can, in order to get the best results.

Ask Someone: Sometimes we tend to overlook our skills and the things we are good at. So, it is always good to ask someone other to share their thoughts. We can ask a friend or a family to observe what they find unique in us. Doesn’t even need to be a known person, I can ask a person who talks to me but barely knows me. We can learn a lot of things about our self from an outside perspective.

So, after finding those hidden talents we can only practice and practice to be better. We all need some things in life that makes us happy, something which takes the stress away from our mind.

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Written by Moumita Mallick

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