
How to Nail the Cover Letter for a Remote Job

During the early months of 2020, the world resorted to remote work as a common working solution in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses shut down while many asked their employees to continue working from home.

Even though things are back to the pre-pandemic state with no chances of COVID going away anytime soon, some considerate employers still allow their employees to work from home.

26% of the workforce in the US is working remotely currently, and it is predicted that by 2025, 75% of the workforce will be on remote jobs. If you are one of those people who’ve had more trouble landing a remote job than an actual onsite job, you know the importance of cover letters. If you don’t, a cover letter holds a sliver of importance when securing a remote job.

Importance of Work-From-Home Cover Letters

A cover letter introduces you to your prospective employers and shows or explains why you want to work for them. A remote job’s cover letter will do the same. Since the job opportunity is for work-from-home, the cover letter will properly showcase your interests and experiences and help employers go a little beyond your resume.

Here are a few more reasons why it’s important:

A cover letter is your immediate first impression and shows the employer your personality. It helps you stand out and become a strong candidate amongst other skilled aspirants.

It emphasizes your key experiences, skills, and strengths.

It helps you link your knowledge, abilities, and skills to your experiences.

A woman making her cover letter for a work-from-home job

Cover letters can be tailored to remote jobs and individual companies, showing the employers how you’ve taken the time out to draft a cover letter for their company’s vacancy and that you’re enthusiastic.

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Remote Job

Here are a few key pointers that can help you nail your work-from-home cover letter and land you the remote job you want. These tips will ensure the recruiters or hiring managers call you, and you give a great first impression.

Research Well About the Company

The “tailored” part in a cover letter means you write a cover letter specifically for the company you’re applying for. This means you have a clear understanding of your job responsibilities and the company’s work, values, or mission. Any notable skills you have that align with the company’s work or your job’s description will help you nail the cover letter.

You can look for the company’s mission statement, their vision, and everything about their services on the “about us” section on their website. Use this to your advantage and show them why you want to work for them.

Introduce yourself

In the first paragraph of your cover letter, you have to explain why you’re interested in the position you’re applying for. Introduce yourself, briefly expressing your interest in the company, summarizing your past experiences, and how you can contribute to the company. Be enthusiastic and passionate about why and how you want to work for the company and what you can add to their team.

Highlight Your Remote Skills

Think of your top skills and traits or any past experiences to help you land a remote job. This means your skills should be the ones employers are looking for in the applicants for a remote position. Not only should you add these skills in bullet points but also link them to any experience you might’ve had in your previous jobs or internships.

Include Unique Details

An effective cover letter will serve as a tool that you’re using to set you apart from other applicants and display your unique qualities. For example, if you have extensive knowledge about particular software, social media platforms, or other instruments necessary for a remote job, describe that and show how you can navigate different challenges.

If you do not have any such experiences or knowledge, you can highlight relevant qualities that will be of use in a remote job’s context and shed some light on the different things you’ve included in your resume.

Keep It Concise

Just because your cover letter is a chance to show off your skills and abilities doesn’t mean you make it long and boring to read. Keep it short, simple, and concise enough that the recruiter or hiring manager can skim through it. Within three to five paragraphs, you have to relay your relevant experiences, certifications, qualifications, and strengths in a short one-page cover letter.

Add Your Final Pitch

The final pitch is the final paragraph where you can go over everything you’ve mentioned and thank the recruiter for the time they’ve taken out to read your cover letter. Close the letter by saying how you hope to hear from them soon and would love to answer any questions they might have in a further scheduled interview.

If you’ve been looking for the appropriate remote job for yourself and have been unsuccessful, Remote Gurus is the ultimate solution and platform to help you Search remote jobs online and find the best fit where you can put your expertise and skills to use. Remote Gurus is a leading platform where not just employees are searching for remote jobs.

Still, employers and companies from various industries can post work-from-home jobs and positions in hopes of talented aspirants and candidates. So don’t forget to start browsing and Post remote jobs online today!

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