Dining out with your family and loved ones at Indian Restaurant Street is to rejuvenate yourself from the hectic and tiring schedule. It is meant to be a fun-filled pleasant evening, our unsaid behavior at these restaurants is to eat, enjoy and leave. But there are certain unspoken rules as well that we must follow while dining in any of the restaurants.
Those who are not aware of those rules, there are a few things which you must avoid doing any of the restaurants:
Donβt arrive just before the closing time:
Whenever you visit any Indian restaurant street, make sure to reach well on time. If the place closes at 11, donβt reach at 10.45. Staff may seem courteous but actually, itβs their time to take off after a long and hectic schedule. If you will come late they may have to stay late, as there are a lot of other things which they need to do before they finally take off.
Wait before the table is cleaned:
The table may be vacant but it does not mean that it is available. If the guests before you have just left the place, wait for a cleaner to clean the table and then only take the table. Sitting before cleaning will make cleanerβs job difficult and at the end, it will be you who will nag because of uncleanliness.
Never bring your dog:
Your dog may be your family member, but there are other guests too who may not like you for taking your dog. Donβt make the environment and people uncomfortable because of your pet. If it is not written, it doesnβt mean that you can carry them along with you.
Donβt lie about aversions and allergies:
If you are allergic to something, bring the same in the notice of the hotel staff. Donβt hide or lie about any aversion or allergy, not only it will create chaos for Indian restaurant street staff but will also be a huge health problem for you.
Donβt whistle at or touch waiter:
Never ever, whistle at or touch waiter to call him at your table. Make sure to be polite with your words and wait for them to make eye contact with you. Donβt forget they are doing their job and are not your personal servers.These things may sound little at first but trust us they have a huge impact and have so much to say about your personality and etiquettes to people around you.
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