Hospital bed mattresses are comfortable, therapeutic and made especially to serve for both clinical and support settings for the patients. Considering a hospital bed mattress for someone you care can be a good idea, but it can get difficult to figure out what essential features to look for.
Unlike the regular mattresses, the hospital mattresses are hypoallergenic and extend more care than style. Before you run errands to look for the right mattress, here are a few things to keep in mind!
Essential features
Keep a list of the basic features that are common in the hospital air mattress. This is essential to understand what you are looking for. Hospital mattresses are different from the house ones because of certain features, and it is when you keep an eye on these features that you shall be able to evaluate the right choice.
1. Size of the mattress
2. Quality of hospital bed air mattress
3. Costs involved
4. Patient mobility
5. Long-term use or short-term use
6. Cleaning requirements
Every mattress comes with a specification of their basic features. Match with the essential features and make a choice based on what you require.
Platform profiling
Most of the hospitals have a mobile platform for the hospital bed mattresses. This is to extend comfort and support to the patient when they are sitting or sleeping. To ease sitting for long hours or getting some treatment done these beds can be raised and the mattresses support the flexibility. Choose the right hospital bed air mattress, which supports the platform profiling.
Type of mattress
There are several types of mattresses used in hospitals for the comfort of the patients. These are:
1. Innerspring
Made of inner mattress coils, this one is the most common and economical mattress used in hospitals. These are available in both firm and soft variants of your choice. They suit patients the best.
2. Foam Mattress
Unlike the innerspring, the foam mattresses are more shock absorbing and help in shifting of body weight easily. Foam mattresses are economical too and almost similar in weight as that of innerspring.
3. Low air loss mattress
These are the best for low mobility patients, as they donβt let the pressure build on the weighted patients. They are moisture absorbing too; hence, the chances of body sores are reduced too.
4. Alternative pressure mattress
Inflation and deflation of air around the mattress allow this mattress to let the patients be comfortable even in low mobility. They allow rolling and donβt make the body turn sore.
Body heat absorption
Heat retention is important when it comes to hospital bed mattresses. As the patient is about to lay for hours on the bed, the heat absorption prevents from the development of rashes, ulcers, etc.
Hypoallergenic and waterproof
Patients eat, sleep and drink on the bed. There are ample chances of developing an infection due to this. Hence, it is important for the bed to be waterproof and hypoallergenic too.
Here you are! Try to keep these points in mind when looking for the perfect hospital bed mattress and make your selection!
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