
Why Incorporate Minimalism into Your Website Design?

A website has to be informative, easy-to-use and most importantly, easy to understand. Your website is like an online representative of your brand; if you overcomplicate it, your visitors would ultimately bounce away. Your visitors would want to stay longer only If your website has an easy interface.

Did you know around 70% of online businesses fail badly because of their website’s poor usability? Thus, if you don’t want to picture yourself among these poorly functioning brands, then it’s about time you added some minimalism to your website.

Gone are the days when quickly loading pages were the only reason behind websites’ success because with the availability of speedy internet connections, Β this is just the basics. You need to go the extra mile and pay attention to your designing aspects as well.

Β Minimalism and Website Design: What’s the Match?

Minimalism has garnered attention from website designers as an unprecedented modern technique. When a website has a minimalist design, then its users are able to focus on something that really matters. Ever heard the notion, β€˜less is more’? When your visitors have minimum, meaningless distractions on your website, they are more likely to convert.

Let’s talk about Google and how clear and concise its interface is. The moment it loads on your browser, you know what action you’ll be taking. If we were to take major inspiration from a minimalist website design that doesn’t beat about the bush, then Google would be it. So in short, we can state that a minimalist website design encourages users to take prompt actions.

So How Do You Create a Minimalist Website?

Confused about how to create a minimalist website design? Don’t be! Because now, we’re about to take you through some easy tips that you can use to create a crisp, clear and minimalist website, in no time.

Don’t forget that β€˜Less is More’

We had to reiterate this point because it is THAT important. When you add only essentials to your website, your time wouldn’t be wasted doing unnecessary things and your website would be created, in no time.

Know your Negative Space

Negative space has bagged a lot of hype lately. This approach enables designers to create visually compelling and easy-to-understand messages. Negative space in design refers to the space around the object under focus. With this approach, designers can empower their main visual and make it attention-grabbing. When websites have perfect negative space placement, there are minimum distractions and better focus. And you what happens when there is better focus? Conversions!

Keep Things β€˜Flat’

Another important thing to keep in mind when designing your website minimally is the illustrations that would go on it. Instead of going overboard and using 3D images, keep your artwork flat. Flat design is easy to create and it goes perfectly well with the minimalist theme.

Use Simpler Color Combinations

While creating minimal designs, you can’t undermine the key role that colors play. By choosing the right colors, you can create a strong visual interest, without having to add unnecessary elements to your website.

Use Typography for Added Drama

Lastly, use your typography skills to add a bit of drama to your minimalist design. Striking typography creates a far more intriguing visual than just shapes. You can use different fonts and their typefaces to add emphasis to your design.

In a Nutshell

Simplicity is a victory. When your website is created in a way that it doesn’t distract its users from meaningless and unimportant actions, then you have succeeded. So, if your existing website deviates from clean, crisp and minimalistic design, then it’s not too late to start over.

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Written by Tina Anderson

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