
5 Best Places for Holiday in Kerala

India has a lot of places which are really beautiful and one would love to explore them. Kerala is definitely one such place and here people venture to enjoy the beautiful landscapes and not only that they also indulge into some authentic local dishes and relax with a perfect Ayurvedic spa.

So, when one is making a plan to visit Kerala, then these are the best places that one must keep in to the list.


This place is located in the northern Kerala and one can easily choose this place is they want to be in an offbeat destination to enjoy their holidays. This place is blessed with some quiet beaches and one can also get to see the culture and tradition of local people very closely here. Here, one can get to witness the Theyyam which is actually a ritual of spirit possession and this thing mainly happens from the month of October to May. The local handloom and weaving culture is also very popular here and so one can visit that and enjoy a relaxing holiday here.


As everyone knows this is the most popular beach of Kerala and so a lot of people come to visit here every year. The beach of Kovalam is actually a 40 minutes’ drive from the city of Thiruvananthapuram (previously known as Trivandrum). When one explores the entire beach then reach at the end, they can get to see a lighthouse as well. But this place is always loaded with tourists and hence one can visit this beach only if they like people around them even in a holiday.

Poovar Island

This place is also located near Kovalam (around 30 minutes’ drive from the beach). It is again a very secluded place and the place is located just near the border of Tamil Nadu state. If one is craving for natural beauty then this is a place to be. One can get to see the beautiful point here where the Neyyar River flows and meets the Arabian Sea.


This place is said to be the centre of attraction in the state of Kerala because this place owns the most popular temple of Padmanabhaswamy which was built in the 16th century and this temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. It is said that the temple was built during time of the Travancore rule and it is still believed that a lot of royal wealth has been hidden inside the temple. Apart from the temple there are a lot of museums and art galleries that one can visit here.

Jatayupara Earth Centre

It is comparatively a new tourist destination and it is located in the district of Kollam. This park is actually themed on the epic of Ramayana and the park covers an area of 65 acre square kilometres. It also has a sprawling statue of Jatayu which is 200 feet tall. One can get to do a lot of fun activities here.

 To reach any places in Kerala, one can book a train ticket online and for food in train, they can take help of e caterers.

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Written by Sahil Arora

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