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5 Ways to Make Sense of Big Data in FSM Field

Big Data is the base for the next revolution in the Field Service Industries. It is crucial to improving the productivity of the organization. Enterprises have become digitally enabled, and they have started making use of various technologies and advanced software. In the Field Service Industry, Field Service Management Software has taken over the place to handle almost all types of manual tasks.

Cloud Computing is becoming more popular day by day as it comes with numerous benefits to grow your business and improve the productivity. It is the platform to collect all kinds of data. With Big Data you can efficiently manage various tasks of the organization efficiently. Big Data has transformed the entire Field Service Ecosystem. And for that reason, it is crucial in the Field Service Management. Let’s how does it make sense in the Field Service Industry.

Easy Tracking  

With Big Data analysis and Internet of Things, FSM Software with built-in GPS can track down the on-field Technicians. The Technicians can also get the right information about the customers’ address. They will be able to locate the exact position of the customer by making use of the GPS system from their mobile devices and the request received from the customer.

Reducing Cost 

Big Data sorts out many issues during various processes. When you know everything about the organization, you will be able to manage different tasks of the organization efficiently. You can keep track of everything. With proper assets management and the data of all the assets, you can easily keep them well maintained.

You don’t need to spend your time and money on maintenance or buying new machines. The Big Data analysis let you know the exact timing of maintaining the machines. This will reduce the rate of investments for the equipment and machines.

Moreover, Big Data also helps the technicians to understand the requirements of a particular task. It lets you figure out what tools are required for the task and how can he finish the task by analyzing the data stored in the cloud platform. This will eventually provide satisfactory services to the customers. The Technician can solve more tasks at the same time.

Prioritize the Tasks 

Since Field Service Management collects and stores the data of the customers and their requests, the software itself sorts out all the applications. As per the customer’s needs, the software assigns the task to the expert technician who can handle it well. Big Data helps the Software and the organization to finish the critical or we can say emergency tasks conclusively.

Knowing the Customers 

Cloud-Based FSM Software stores the data over the cloud which can be accessed by the authorized persons from anywhere. Big Data contains all the details of the customers such as their Names, Addresses, Contact Numbers, Emails, etc. With all these data, you can know your customers and can provide on-time services by tracking down their addresses using the GPS Enabled devices. For the organization, it will improve the First-Time-Fix Rates.

Real-time Notifications for the Customers 

Service-oriented companies with the use of advanced software and tool became smart. With Big Data of the industry and customers, an organization can handle bulk requests from the customers and can provide satisfactory services.

Interestingly, the customers also receive a real-time notification about their request. When a technician leaves for the task, the customer will receive a notification with the technician’s name, his mobile number, the arrival time, etc. With this, customers’ interest to know more about the field services have been increasing. It will improve the overall functionality of the Field Service Industry in the coming days.

If we talk about the present time, most businesses and organizations don’t utilize the Big Data effectively. There are some limitations for the companies with tools and other information. And for that reason, they use just 50% of the data which is still good. Gradually, the use of Big Data is increasing, and more companies have started utilizing them to improve their productivity.

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Written by Amanda Holden

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