
10 Must-Have Building Construction Materials In India

Constructing a new house is a dream come true for an individual. However, it is based on the type of building materials used. It does not matter whether the structure is big or small, materials utilized to erect it will have a huge impact on its durability. Even though the construction industry in our country integrates a diverse range of materials sources locally, the resilience of a residential or commercial structure depends on the accurate selection and top-quality building materials.

Listed below are some of the must-have building construction materials:–

TMT Bars:—

TMT Bars would assess the shelf life of a structure. An individual needs to pay close attention while picking this material and make sure that they are ribbed and can be seamlessly bent.


Bricks are an inevitable part of construction materials regardless of the size of a building. They are designed out of mud and clay and later burnt in fire making them an indestructible material.


Sand is a granular material containing traces of tiny particles such as shells, corals, and decomposed rocks. This material is primarily meant to boost the tensile strength of a structure and is implemented in various construction materials like concrete and asphalt.


Cement is a chemical substance and a binding agent used to create concrete. It is also utilized to bend with construction materials such as bricks and TMT bars to amplify the strength of a structure.


Steel is a robust metal designed out of carbon and iron. The presence of additional chromium makes it highly resistant to corrosion and oxidation.


Concrete is a unique construction material created using a mixture of crushed stone and gravel. One of the popular types of cement is Portland cement which is formed through heating limestone and gypsum.

Ready mix concrete:–

It is a reasonable construction material generated in a plant far away from the site. It is arrived at the construction site in the form of pre-mixed and ready for use.

Binding wire:–

Binding wire is a crucial material that helps in carrying several components together safely and securely.


Wood is a flexible natural building material extracted from trees and has been a trustworthy construction item for decades. This type of material is recognized for its tensile strength and aesthetic appeal.


It is yet another natural building material generated via geological processes. They are meant for construction purposes such as foundation, flooring, and decorative elements.


The author Aravind Sharma being a prominent builder is of the view that building construction materials serve as the fundamental building blocks to erect stable and secure structures thereby having a significant impact on their appearance.

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