
5 Enterprise Software Applications That Businesses Should Use Today

Enterprise software solutions have made great strides. These tools have progressed in a way that is beneficial for business—from organising processes to gaining business insights and boosting work productivity, among others.

One of their greatest technological progress is the transition from on-premise into off-premise. Before enterprise apps are hosted in-house and supported by a third-party. Fast forward to today, a third-party provider fully hosts everything and make it available for users via the Cloud.

Read on to learn more about this essential business software and their various types.

What Is Enterprise Software?

Enterprise software is also called as enterprise application software. Its main purpose is to improve the productivity and efficiency in an organisation with the help of business logic support functionality.

Examples of such business functions are order processing, accounting, customer relationship management, and so on.

Which Enterprise Apps Are the Best & Why? 

Enterprises such as schools, hospitals, governmental agencies, retailers or other business groups can function better if there is reliable software in place.

Here is a list of enterprise applications that companies should start incorporating into their business:

Business Intelligence (BI)

Data plays a pivotal role in business success; it can empower every business leader to make decisions based on facts and not just mere assumptions.

However, data gathering and analysation can sometimes be tough and tedious. These processes can make thought leaders sweat a lot and run out of energy to uncover hidden patterns and insights from the data per se.

This is where business intelligence (BI) software comes in handy. Such unit4 Australia’s enterprise software pulls in data from disparate sources, allowing users to run analysis and extract actionable insights from each data source.

After data collection, the insights are presented in data visualizations such as charts, graphs, infographics, dashboards and animations. This graphical presentation of data makes the analysis part easy to comprehend.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

While data allows companies to come up with data-driven decisions, it can’t come to life without the customers.

These people are the ones who provide data to be analysed including sales, revenue, etc. That is why businesses should not ignore the importance of customer satisfaction, especially in today’s competitive business environment.

Thankfully, customer relationship management (CRM) software came to rise. This tool can help users manage their relationships and interactions with existing customers and potential customers.

It can track customer interactions in various channels: contact forms, emails, phone calls, and social media. Some CRMS also offer analytics to track the efficiency of marketing efforts and marketing automation capability to manage the entire sales and marketing funnels.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Managing the day-to-day business activities can be physically, mentally and even emotionally draining. But still, it must be done no matter how stressful and tiring it is.

If only companies invest in enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, then managing a multitude of business processes would never be a problem.

This enterprise software offers a large scale solution for both big companies and small ones. It Allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications including product planning, development, manufacturing, sales and marketing all in a single database.

Also, most ERP programs come with business process automation. This capability aids the increase of efficiency and productivity within an organisation by automating many back-office functions related to technology, services and human resources.

Human Resource Management (HRMS)

The employees are the life of a company. Without manpower, it is impossible for an establishment to run its operations and generate income.

This explains why every business should take good care of their people and think of ways to effectively maintain a happy and productive workforce. So if the business operations are given a high priority, then there is no reason to neglect the employees.

With human resource management software (HRMS), businesses of all sizes and types can manage their best talents. It specifically helps human resource professionals ensure everyone is performing at their full potential—thanks to the software’s performance review feature.

In addition to performance management, HRMS enables personnel tracking for simpler tracking of employee information. It is also comprised of other features including recruitment and onboarding, time and attendance management, payroll, training administration, and more.


Project Management Software (PMS)

For service-based companies, delivering a service (i.e. content, webpage design, and responsive website) to the client within a schedule is extremely important.

They would not like for a project to go past the deadline or worse fail to meet the client’s requirements. If any of these happen, there must be lacking in the process that needs to be improved.

That is why businesses in the service industry should invest in project management software. Such a tool helps project managers (PMs) and teams collaborate and meet goals on time while managing resources and cost.

Through project management tools, PMs can plan and delegate work all in one place, monitor project’s status and progress in real-time, document important files, provide instructions and collaborate with team members without the use of email.

The Bottom line 

Enterprise software applications are not designed to be ignored. Companies should take advantage of them because they can offer a huge help in all business matters—even the unimagined.

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Written by kristan tan

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