Sandstone is a popular choice amongst natural stones when it comes to outdoor paving. They have many qualities which endear them to home-owners, retailers, builders and architects. One of these is their effortless installation, which means one toils less to put them in their rightful place on the desired surface. Another is their durability, their ability with stand some of the harshest outdoor conditions. Next is their versatility, meaning they are useful for various purposes and finally, they do not cost a bomb and last a lifetime.
Here are some facts that you would like to know about Sandstone Pavers in case the thought of using them ever crosses your mind:
- Sandstone pavers are highly porous. They can store massive amounts of water, as they allow water percolation. Additionally, they can endurable both wet weather and time, and yet manage to look as classical as ever.
- Pavers made from Sandstone are widely used in landscaping, owing to their natural and rich look. Be it being used in gardens to create walkways or in patios and balconies for flooring purposes, Sandstone pavers find use everywhere. They can also be used for creating unique wall features.
- They are ideal for pool surrounds due to their non-slippery nature. They are also a popular choice for veneering and cladding. They can create both an elegant formal look as well as a natural earthy look.
- Though removing stains from Sandstone pavers is not that difficult, it is still recommended that they be sealed against staining. With a bevy of sealers available in the market, it should not be that hard for users of sandstone pavers to find the right one that delivers optimum use.
- Cleaning sandstone pavers is not that hard either, as there is a set process one must follow to make the task easy for himself. Never use any solution containing alkaline or acid or ammonia or bleach. Such solutions can break down your sealer and adversely affect its repellency. Choose your solution smartly for positive results.
- You must begin the entire cleaning process by sweeping or using a mop to dust off any dirt or debris accumulated on the pavers. Then take the cleaning solution and dilute it in either hot or cold water and apply it on the pavers using a mop, scrubbing object or sponge. Finally, use clean water to rinse and wipe off the cleaning solution for clean and lively pavers.
Summary:Β Knowing these few things about sandstone pavers will help you use them in a better way for satisfactory results when you begin paving.
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