If consumer is frustrated with customer pathetic services are feel they are cheated by consumers after purchase some goods and services from seller or organization or from any company. Then, consumers have their own rights to file a complaint against the company to resolve their disputes. Maybe your dispute will be related to the defective product, wrong delivery of products, charged extra, duplicate product sell, and other consumer-related fraud activities. In this cases, consumer wants to resolve their complaints and start doing calls or sending emails to get replacement, refund, return and proper response from their disputes. When consumer test all their efforts in resolving their consumer complaints but can’t able to get the solution to their problem then they want to approach consumer court and online consumer forum. Consumer Court is the final destination for resolving consumer complaints and it plays a very important role in consumer protection. In Consumer Court, all consumer rights are protected under consumer protection act 1986.
Today is a trend of digitization, where every consumer want to become online to make their communication and reach very easier. Many consumers prefer to go online and search for online consumer forum to resolve their complaints. Filing consumer complaints online reduce the your efforts and stress in resolving consumers complaints. There are many consumer complaint website or online consumer forum where you can post your grievance online. We are going to share three trending consumer complaints forum website in India which are given as below:
consumerhelpline.gov.in:Β Consumer Helpline is government online consumer complaints website where consumer can file complaint against the company. Then, complaint allocated to the related department. It follows the all legal process to resolve consumer complaints. This consumer complaint website is associated with JAGO GRAHAK JAGO. You can also find an offical website of JAGO GRAHAK JAGO to file your complaint.
consumercomplaints.in:Β It is Indian consumer complaint forum for filing consumer complaints online. You can get all information about fraud and scams here. Consumer can submit their complaint and ask question related to their disputes. It also allows companies to add their business
voxya.com:Β It is a unique platform for quick and an optimal resolution of consumer complaints. A consumer can file a complaint online at Voxya consumer forum just in 5 minutes. It helping consumers in getting replacement, return and refund as soon as possible. The team of Voxya able to resolve any type of critical consumer case within few days. Filing complaint and share with social media, social media campaign by team, sending email to company, sending legal notice to company and approaching for consumer court make it distinguish from other consumer complaints website in India. In few months voxya become more popular due fast consumer complaint resolution services. In this complaint portal consumer companies and consumer lawyers can register their account to resolve consumer complaints. It also launched “Voxya Mobile App” to file consumer complaint from any where any time from their mobile device. It works for consumer protection and consumer smile.
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