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Vital Difference Between Third Party Car Insurance & Comprehensive Car Insurance

Many of us are passionate about owning our own car and it gives us much pride. Securing its long term wellness is also important to make the most out of your hard earned money you invested on it. This is where a car insurance policy plays a vital role. Car insurance comes in two types- third party car insurance & Comprehensive Car Insurance. The comprehensive car insurance secures your vehicle and covers its theft or damage while third party car insurance covers the expenses that come along with the damage caused by the insured vehicle to the third party.

What is Comprehensive Car Insurance?

Comprehensive car protection insurance offers complete insurance against the damages to your vehicle due to an accident or a calamity. This is known as a comprehensive policy since it offers coverage to the damage caused to your vehicle, third-party hazard, thievery, singular disaster coverage. The coverage can be upheld by picking add-ons, for instance, motor protection cover, zero devaluation cover etc. This cover is by and large predominant, as it offers obvious coverage.

What is Third Party Car Insurance?

A third party car insurance policy gives coverage against any legitimate risk emerging out of wounds to third-party when the policyholder is to blame. It covers harms and wounds caused by the guaranteed vehicle, to a third-party individual or property. According to the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, it is obligatory for each engine vehicle proprietor to purchase the third-party protection coverage in India. You can buy third party car insurance online as well.

The advantages and disadvantages are important to comprehend so you can make a choice.Β 

  1. Value of Car-In case estimation of your vehicle is low, it is prescribed to purchase third-party policy, as the repairs to the harms could be made effectively. It is feasible to pay the repair charges when contrasted with paying for the high premium of a comprehensive protection cover. Then again, if your vehicle is new and costly, it is prescribed to purchase comprehensive protection coverage. For commercial vehicles you can have commercial vehicle insurance.
  2. Coverage-Β A third-party protection policy gives coverage against the accidental harms to any third-party vehicle and real wounds caused to any third party. There are some insurance companies that charge some additional fees for third-party coverage. It doesn’t give any coverage against the harms caused to your own particular vehicle. But for coverage for your vehicle, you should purchase comprehensive car insurance. A comprehensive policy is costly when contrasted with third-party car policy, as it offers more extensive coverage.
  3. Β Costs-Β A comprehensive arrangement is costly when contrasted with a third-party policy since it offers coverage for wounds, harms, and robbery. It is good to be secured as street accident can drain your savings quickly. There can be minor changes with in the exclusions and advantages varying from insurer to insurer.


While buying a protection policy for your car, you ought to consider many crucial components. Like what sort of protection coverage you are looking for. People tend to astound between a comprehensive protection policy and a third party car insurance while looking for protection policy online. Comprehensive insurance gives coverage to harm caused to your vehicle, third-party legal liability, robbery, and individual accident coverage. Third Party Car Insurance offers cover against any legitimate obligation to a third individual caused when you are to blame. It covers any harm or damage caused by you to someone else or property.


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Written by Sidharth Kapoor

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