
Guitar: The Perfect Gift For Your Loved Ones

While it’s not easy choosing the perfect guitar and an affordable guitar price, musical instruments can be the most enriching gifts to a loved one. Not only can one carry a guitar along wherever one goes, knowing how to play is also likely to make one the centre of attraction at all get-togethers. Here are the top reasons why you should consider gifting a guitar to a near and dear one.

Top reasons why a guitar is the perfect gift

Ideal for motivating youngsters

Do you have children, a younger sister, or a friend who’s a music enthusiast? A guitar will surely motivate youngsters to pick up the instrument and give it a sincere shot. This will help build a routine, inculcate dedication towards a task, and shape the personality in a positive way. You can go with a basic acoustic model if you want to keep your guitar price in check.

Right guitar for the right person

If you know someone who’s a performer, the odds are they already have a couple of guitars on their dream list. Maybe your cousin has a Yamaha acoustic but always wished for a Fender solid body guitar? Or, maybe, your Gibson aficionado colleague has always had his eye on a new Ibanez model? These coveted musical instruments could be theirs if you gift them the right guitar.

Develop a new talent

Age is no limit when it comes to learning the best musical instruments in India. Anyone may start learning to play the guitar at any given point in time. You can even learn it online with the help of videos or a dedicated expert. Owning a new guitar will surely spark a new zest for life in whoever you gift it to.

Unwind and relax

Playing musical instruments is a terrific way to relax once you’ve learnt a few simple chords. A guitar will allow you to break free from the shackles of your daily routine in the most pleasant way possible. It’ll take a while before you start strumming along to Extreme’s Β β€˜More Than Words’, but once you do, the experience will transform your life.

A new language for the heart

Are you upset over something? Do you suffer from work-related stress? Why not kick back by shredding a few of your favourite metal licks on an electric guitar. Jilted lovers can easily vent their frustration through an original composition on their six-string companion. Playing the guitar is a nice way to express yourself and let it all out when you’re feeling down. If you think a friend of yours is feeling low, why not lighten his mood by gifting him a guitar?

Hones the mindΒ 

Listening to music and, even more so, playing the guitar releases endorphins, which are mood stimulating neurochemicals that keep your brain sharp and ready for action. Learning how to play a musical instrument will also reactivate dormant areas in your brain and help you develop new psychomotor skills. There aren’t many better ways of keeping your body and mind in tune than a few minutes of strumming.

A new touring buddy

When it comes to size and portability, the guitar is quite unmatched. You can sling one on your shoulder and be ready to be cynosure of all eyes wherever you go. If you gift a guitar with a carry case to a young relative, there’s all the chance in the world that they will be jamming away to glory in college, at picnics, or even while traveling. Do remember that accessories like decals, cases etc. will add to your overall guitar price.

It’s a piece of art

A guitar can be a unique art piece and a decent gifting option even for someone who doesn’t play the instrument. Certain Martin and Les Paul models are collectors’ items Β that are worthy of being displayed on a living room wall. Having a guitar as a showpiece is a definite conversation starter and will lend a unique ambience to the living space. A point to note β€” collectibles come at a sky-high guitar price.

Bottom line

Acoustic or electric, solid body or hollow? Whichever guitar you choose to gift will surely bring a smile to the face of the receiver. Giving a loved one a musical instrument is a thoughtful gesture that the recipient will fondly remember each time they pick up the instrument.

We highly recommend you bundle a sling-strap as well as a carry case along with the prized gift, even though this may add to your guitar price. Don’t forget to use the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network Card to shop for the best musical instruments in India. You can also buy the Acoustic guitar at the Bajaj Mall.

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