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7 Essential Fragrances for Every Woman in 2018: Sense & Sensuality

“Fragrances mystify a woman’s demeanour” – The history of women’s perfume bespeaks of sensual fragrances which became an integral part of a woman’s personality. They give woman headiness and emboss entire character with succulence. The best perfumes for women come with a wide array of scents that cater to diverse genres.

The last decade has shown the changing trends in preferred perfume scents and 2018 is no different. As the ancient wind of aromas whisk in today’s world, a brief view on their history can prove useful.

History of Women Fragrances: Aroma of Ancient Winds

The very name perfume comes from the Latin word, “pro fumm” meaning “through smoke”.

Do you know?

Fragrances were originally used by Gods to lower the stench of blood smoke coming from the bodies of victims sacrificed. The fragrant was more of a disguise to eradicate unpleasant smell.

Ancient people also used scents the way we use it today. Exquisite aromas were used as medical aids acting as restorative elements. The refreshing odour of citrus, florals and sandalwoods were part of daily usage. The stronger scents were used to wake individuals when they fainted. Some were used for medicinal purposes in matters of sickness too.

That’s not all! 

The Santa Maria Novella Monks infused fragrances with alcohol to make colognes during 17th century. Each fragrance emerged on a different juncture in history. Largely themed on floral aromas which were subtle yet sensual, perfumes or colognes became notable due to their heady essence combinations.

So, that’s how they evolved through ages…

Coming to a Woman’s Must-Have collection of Fragrances: 

  1. Jasmine – The evergreen floral jasmine fragrance still features as one of the bestselling in 2018. Its aroma reminds a woman of cherry orchards and spring season engulfing her with a sense of sultriness.
  2. Vanilla – Sweet and creamy by nature, Vanilla speaks of romanticism. Vanillin, the main ingredient, rewards a woman with a relaxing effect. Vanilla toes the line between a spectrum of coyly sweet and disguised adulthood.
  3. Pink Rose Given the 2018 trend of Rose perfumes, different Roses make up for different fragrances. This particular scent celebrates the multitudinal character of the flower connoting an authentic rose accord which speaks of the lucid, dewy pink petals.
  4. Pure Rose – This smell has a heavenly whiff of romance coming from freshly cut rose flower. The natural blend of rose extracts and sandal makes up for an arresting odour.
  5. Sandalwood – Though popularly designated as a unisex scent, sandalwood fills a perfume bottle with an alluring yet sophisticated aroma. It is light and earthly in nature spinning off a woody demeanour.
  6. Citrus – The paradoxical scent of Citrus is sensuous and tenacious by nature. History tells that citrus often had healing powers and soon became a timeless essence for women. Citrus was a popular fragrant tone during the 17th century.
  7. Lily – The lovely fragrance of Lily goes with every mood rounded with scents of fresh blossoms and a hint of myrrh. It suits perfectly with a modern woman’s stride of every day.

So, this year, let your perfume’s aroma speak of your emotions and thoughts.    

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Written by Swapnil Jukunte

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