
Delicious and Healthy Snacks for Busy People

Choosing the right snack for your munching time can make a lot of difference as healthy snacking has a positive impact on your mind and body. Eating between your breakfast and lunch hours or lunch and dinner hours is not mostly considered healthy, but it all depends on what you choose to eat. Your snack should never be of the sort that can affect your hunger when it is actually time for lunch or dinner. Here, we have brought some amazing, healthy, and easy to prepare healthy snacks. These snacks will help you stop searching for takeaway places near me and eat only the right thing.

Hummus & Veggies

Hummus and veggies are the perfect combos to eat as a snack. Hummus is full of proteins while the vegetables are a great source of multiple nutrients. Hummus is made by blending chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice and garlic in a food processor. It is delicious and also versatile because you can eat it with different other items than vegetables. However, hummus and vegetables are the healthiest combinations of all. It contains a high level of fibres that improve your digestive system and the healthy-heart ingredients also reduces the risk of heart issues.

Trail Mix

Nuts are the best thing you can eat in your snack time. They are highly nutritious when you need something to peck at. The trail mix snack will give you all the essential health benefits, sweetness, fat, fibres, and the satisfaction that you got something to eat in the evening as well. You have three options to make your nutty trail mix. You can add dries almond, cranberries, and shredded coconut or you can make a mix of raw cashews, dried apricots, sunflower seeds, and white chocolate chips. In the third option, you can mix raw peanuts, raw pumpkin seeds, dried raisins, and dark chocolate chips. Make sure you take an equal portion of every ingredient and mix them in a bowl. Make each serving bag of about 40-50g and take it daily with you to the office.

Rainbow Ricotta Frittatas

If you are too busy to prepare a healthy snack for your evening time or even for the lunch of your children, this is the perfect recipe you’ll see. These colourful fritters are the go-to snacks as they taste amazing when reheated. Just combine eggs, milk, ricotta, salt and flour in a bowl and mix until it is smooth. Keep all the vegetables separate and add the mixture in three different bowls. Now add carrots in one mixture, zucchini in the second bowl, and beetroot in the third one. Now make the fritters in the frying pan by adding one tablespoon from each mixture, and enjoy.

Yoghurt with Nuts and Berries

Another healthy snack that gets prepared within minutes is yoghurt mixed with berries, frozen fruits, and a nutty garnishing. You can add frozen berries, bananas, mangoes, and any other seasonal fruit and blend with Greek yoghurt. Garnish your bowl with crushed almonds, pistachio, and cashew nuts.

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Written by Phoebe Lambert

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