
Do You Want to Improve Your Chances of Winning the Lottery? Here’s How

Lottery games have always been popular, especially among those who believe in destiny. The popularity of these games was further intensified with the emergence of online playing platforms, which took it to an altogether different altitude. Today you can play either by buying a ticket from physical stores or online. Playing by buying a physical ticket has its own limitations. This includes geographical restrictions of physical stores, incidents of losing the winning ticket or getting the tickets damaged.

Thus, people started preferring online platforms like LottolandΒ through which they can play any major lottery happening anywhere in the world since it offers most of them. The convenience that this online mode of playing provides is incomparable. They have helped many people become rich as the problem of crores of rupees of lottery prizes going unclaimed due to loss or damage of physical tickets doesn’t exist here.

Here are a few ways to better your winning chances

Focus on Single DrawΒ 

Instead of trying your luck at different lotteries, it is better to buy more tickets of a single draw. This helps in bettering your winning odds. Let’s say you are interested in instant win games where the winning odds are 1 in 3. Now if you buy 6 tickets of a single game, you are more likely to get 2 winning tickets in them rather than buying 6 tickets for 6 different games.

Never Choose Consecutive Numbers

Β If you are opting for a number game lottery, never pick consecutive numbers. There is the least probability that the drawn numbers will be consecutive. Instead, dig in the data available on the last few draws of that particular lottery. Find out which number has appeared the most number of times and which have not appeared often.

Though the number picking is random and all numbers have an equal probability of getting drawn, this data makes sense. You can go with numbers that have often come up in the last 50 or 100 draws. Choosing numbers based on birthdays and anniversaries is also a bad idea. This is because then you would be picking the numbers ranging from 1 to 31, while the studies indicate that the sum of winning numbers fall between 104 and 176 seventy percent of the time. The worst idea is to allow the computer to pick numbers for you if you are playing online. Most of the lottery pros say that the computer-picked numbers have the worst probability of coming up in a draw.

Go with a Syndicate

Β This is a tried and tested method of improving your winning chance. A syndicate is a group of like-minded people who invest in a particular lottery and share the profits. More people result in more tickets and hence better stake in a particular lottery while keeping your investment limited.

There is no software till date that can predict the winning number and the fact remains that winning a lottery is a matter of chance. But, these methods can definitely improve your winning odds.

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Written by Roopa Kashyap

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