
How To Reinvent Your Image With Ease

People crave change all the time. Maybe it’s due to boredom or due to enhanced emotions, but we feel like we need to change something about ourselves. The first step here is to try and calm your emotions. Nothing drastic will do the trick. The goal here is to stop any decision you might regret later. Then, think of the small steps you can make to achieve great results. We will try to do that for you so read our tips and find out how to reinvent your image with ease.

Change up your skincare routine

Healthy looking and clear complexion is one of the most noticeable things. Foundation won’t work if your skin is dry and flaky. However, when your skin is smooth, hydrated and healthy, the foundation is a powerful tool. So, reevaluate your skincare routine. To achieve that flawless finish follow this routine. Take your makeup off every night before bed. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser. Twice a week, exfoliate your face with a gentle product. Afterward, apply an anti-aging serum (do this after exfoliating days) or use a toner. Apply your night cream and under the eye cream.

Your morning routine is a bit different. Wash your face with a cleanser, hydrate under the eye areas and use a hydrating cream

Use makeup to your advantage

The trick with makeup is to use it to your advantage. If done properly, makeup can make you more attractive. If not, it will totally ruin your appearance. So, think of ways to use it to your advantage. First of all, throw everything that is past the expiration date. Then, think of new shades to update your regular makeup routine. Instead of a regular black eye pencil, try using a blue one. It will definitely give your attitude a new look. Instead of a neutral lipstick, pick a red shade that goes well with your complexion and a mauve-pink shade. Try wearing them on alternate days. Red is bold, while mauve goes well with a cat-eye. Either way, play with your makeup and create new everyday looks. Eyeshadow, mascara, blush are a must. Just make sure to combine it well with your red or mauve lipstick.

Reinvent your confidence

Some people are born to be in the spotlight, while others avoid it all costs. The difference between these two is in levels of self-confidence. Some people are more confident than other. But, it does not mean that people can’t work on their confidence and increase it. Think about things you can change about yourself to be more confident. Most people believe that a confident smile will open every door and even make you attract more people.

Those who flash a confident smile are perceived as highly confident people. The best thing about this is that with a few tweaks, everyone can achieve a radiant and confident smile. You can beautify your smile with a restorative feature of pfm crowns and bridges. Your teeth will look natural and aesthetically appealing. No one will see the difference, but you will regain that long-lost confidence. You’ll start spreading that radiant confidence with just one smile.

Play with accessories

When we are unhappy with our image, we want to throw out our entire wardrobe. The solution here is to buy a completely new wardrobe. However, that is too expensive and we’ll end up hating it in a few months. Instead, reevaluate your wardrobe first. Pick your signature pieces and think how you can reinvent them with details. For example, a black pencil skirt can be brought back to life with a leopard belt. The classic white shirt goes well with a blazer in bold color and drop earrings. A slip dress is still very trendy so pair it up with a leather jacket and biker boots. Hats are a must-have during this season so pick one that goes well with your coat. Just pick a few decorative accessories that can be matched with other items in your wardrobe.

Give your hair some TLC

Whenever women need a change in their lives they often chop their hair. Half of the women will regret this decision later on and cry themselves back to sleep. Instead, try giving your hair some TLC. Try using a deep conditioner instead of a regular one. It will hydrate your hair and make it soft and luscious. Then, try styling your hair a bit differently. For example, try flicking it to the other side. Also, if your hair is usually straight try some waves or curls. You’ll see how these simple changes give you a new, sleek and polished look with ease.

Change is good for us. Even if we decide to par our hair differently might change the way we perceive ourselves. It does not have to be drastic to make you feel good, increase your confidence, attitude and self-esteem.

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Written by Mianna korben

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