
How Artificial Intelligence Will Change The Future?

Technologies have been shaping the way we live ever since Computing/Internet has become popular. Whether it is innovations in Science, Information Technology, Education, or Medicine, they have been transforming our lives for the better. There is no shortage of information to grasp in today’s world and everything is within a ‘touch’ reach. Also, thanks to the smart assistants, assisting in our day-to-day life whether it is Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri to the Voice assistants used in cars, it all has boomed to simplify our tasks in a better way.

Similarly, Artificial Intelligence is also a ‘one of its kind’ innovation in Information Technology invented to assist humans in their daily tasks but in an advanced way. In short, Artificial Intelligence machines are human-like bots primarily designed to replicate human intelligence to solve real-world problems.

But technically meaning, Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence in machines to perform most of the human-like activities like reasoning, learning, planning, and creativity. Such AIs – Artificial Intelligence Systems perceive what their environment is like, deal with that environment, respond and solve problems to achieve a specific goal.

It is said that, according to experts, Artificial Intelligence systems are mechanized by Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and some of them by rules.

Now, there are two types of AI according to Machine Learning technology. One is Narrow AI and the other is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

1. Narrow AI

Narrow Artificial Intelligence systems often referred to as Weak AIs are AIs limited to perform a single task. The Narrows AIs include Google Search, Image recognition software, Apple Siri, Amazon Alexa, and Self-driving cars like Autonomous Cars. At first, these AIs may seem intelligent but they are far more under constraints to perform only limited tasks. On the whole, they are performing less than basic human intelligence.

2. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI):

On the contrary, Artificial General Intelligences are Strong AI which can be seen in the movies like IRobot. AGI is more like a human being but with artificial intelligence and in the robot form which can apply its intelligence to solve real-time problems.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence: AI in Various Sectors

The Artificial Intelligence term was coined in 1956 and since its origination, the technology has come a long way crossing the hurdles and bad reputations but finally proving to be a human assisting technology but not as technology replacing the human workforce. There are various fields where AI has been performing well and proving to be a friendly technology for the better future of humans.

1. Transportation

Autonomous Vehicles:

One of the primary and significant AI innovations in Transportation is Autonomous Vehicles. Autonomous Vehicles are nothing but self-driving vehicles which can drive by themselves using GPS, Sensors, Machine Learning Systems, and Powerful Processors to execute the goal. There are already many Autonomous Vehicles deployed in many parts of the world to help humans to have a safe, secure, and cost-effective ride.

Traffic Management: 

Traffic Management is another one of the issues faced largely by the transportation industry. Thanks to AI technology which can now solve the issue in real-time data collecting through sensors and cameras. This way the bots or system can predict the incoming traffic and pre-inform the passengers about the shortest routes or less-traffic routes to make their travel hassle-free and less time-consuming.

Delay Predictions:

Flight delays are always a major problem for passengers who are made to wait for a longer period of time. The issue may be due to bad weather, an engine problem, or any technical glitch which may result in a loss of the travel company. But with AI in the picture, all the financial losses and waiting times can be cut down. Here the AI makes use of the computer visioning system to have continuous monitoring of the airplanes to help reveal the hidden patterns of their travel. This information is then recorded by the travel companies to reduce the waiting time of passengers and also to help schedule their travel accordingly.

2. Manufacturing

AI are proficient in delivering high-end solutions in many areas of the manufacturing line. It starts from detecting defects, validating the quality of the products, giving a holistic picture of the entire operations, notifying about operations failure, to helping in designing the equipment.

AI has the capability to predict the following in Manufacturing.

  • Predict the downtime of the machines
  • Predict the demand for a product
  • Validates the quality of the products
  • Automate repetitive tasks

3. Healthcare

Robotic-assisted Surgery:

Though this advancement may startle some of them, fearing how a robot can perform accurate surgeries, on the contrary experts say that it is a promising outcome of AI technology. Here, compared to a surgeon’s work, it is said that a robot can perform lesser complications surgery with ‘not so deep’ cuts, so the staying days of a patient in a hospital is minimized.

Virtual Nursing Assistants:

Virtual Nursing Assistants are nothing but 24/7 healthcare providing bots who can answer questions related to patients’ health. These virtual bots have the potential to assess a patient’s health by just communicating and asking for a few important health details. These bots can also provide 24/7 healthcare support to individuals who are in non-emergency situations, can suggest the time to visit a hospital, and also maintain an individual’s healthcare record. This process is also called Telemedicine.

Assisted Diagnosing:

The main use of Robots-Assisted Diagnosing is to successfully analyze and predict the disease in a patient before it reaches the advanced stage. As expected AIs performed at their best in predicting the kind of disease, a patient can encounter in the near future. This Robots-Assisted Diagnosing is very helpful in preventing the patients from reaching the critical stages without proper attention or care.

Administrative Tasks:

AI robots are also found helpful in automating administrative tasks which otherwise would take the human workforce to do the monotonous routine work for a longer time. Deploying robots to assist in administrative tasks saves time for everyone and helps the employers to concentrate more on critical tasks such as handling patients. Moreover, robots here help the doctors to provide a personalized experience to the patients by informing them of the treatment plans by analyzing their previous data.

Image Analysis:

AI is used in Image Analysis to accurately provide the results of the scan. It is also believed to improve the next generation of radiology tools for effective scanning. It is also proven in research that AI Robots can provide image analyzing results in a faster and accurate manner.

4. E-commerce

Intelligent Product recommendations:

Have you ever noticed the recommendations you get when you open your favorite e-commerce application on your smartphone? This is because the AI in the website or application has analyzed your searches and the products you marked as your favorite. In turn, when you reopen the application, it welcomes you with similar suggestions urging you or tempting you to buy the product. This way the e-commerce businesses are providing you a personalized experience by knowing your favorite products and also providing you the best user experience you want.


As major buyers are now preferring online shopping, their queries need to be addressed in a smarter way. Even though many skilled customer service professionals exist, the number is not equal to the number of purchasers increasing day by day. To give them the time to respond to their queries and to give suggestions on what their potential query be, Chatbots are extensively used in e-commerce applications. As they also respond 24/7, a customer can initiate a conversation anytime regarding the problems they are facing.


AI can also predict the demand for a product by users’ interests and likes and give a heads up to the companies to stock their best-selling products.

5. Human Resources


In Human Resources, AIs are used in assessing the applications of thousands of employees to choose the right candidate and also to avoid human errors and biases in selecting the suitable candidate for the role. This cuts down the lengthy hiring processes and makes the Human resource team concentrate on selecting the right and skilled candidates for their projects.

Building Work Culture:

Apart from Hiring, AIs are even used in building work culture in offices. They can place a candidate in the right team judging their competencies, assign sustainable projects according to their skills, and can even process an employee’s data to know whether a candidate is a right pick for the organization.Some of the advantages of Artificial Intelligence would be,

  • Reduction in Human Error
  • Takes risks instead of Humans
  • 24/7 support
  • Automating repetitive tasks
  • Digital Assistance
  • Faster Decisions
  • Daily Applications
  • Near-accurate Results


As seen above, we can very well conclude that AIs have already changed the future of living and given the time it can perform for the betterment of human lives, making tasks simpler for us. There are many other fields AI has been performing well such as in CyberSecurity, Entertainment, Vital Tasks, and more. AI is such a vast field and learning about it is as interesting as any other technology. Therefore enroll in Artificial Intelligence Training to learn more about the field and get your hands on building unique robots to shape the world even better for a prospective future.

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Written by nikithajoshk

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