
School Safety: How to Keep Students Secure?

As COVID-19 cases decrease, American students are returning to schools. If you’re part of a school administration, we know you’re excited to welcome your students back to school.

Amidst this excitement, you shouldn’t forget about ensuring kids’ safety. You’d want to provide a safe and healthy environment to ensure your children can take their classes comfortably.

Tragic incidents like the Michigan school attack and the Tennessee basketball game shooting reinforce the importance of security in schools. We also need to make the commute to school safe, as you’ll be surprised to know that 109 people lost their lives in school-bus-related incidents in 2019.

In such circumstances, it’s understandable that parents are skeptical of sending their kids to school. If you’re looking for ways to make your school safe, continue reading this blog to learn different ways to always keep your students secure.

Install Surveillance Cameras

Want to prevent intruders from entering your school premises? Install surveillance cameras to detect any suspicious movements. Yes, it might be a burden on your pocket, but is it worth more than your students’ lives? Not at all!

You should install CCTV cameras at every corner as school guards can’t watch every area simultaneously. You can also install motion sensors with these cameras that set off an alarm every time an intruder tries to break in.

Hire Private Security Guards to Maximize Student Safety

Yes, a CCTV camera can detect intruders, but you’ll need someone to stop them. You can wait for the cops to arrive, but that’ll be too late. If you don’t want the intruders to reach your students, hire private security guards.

You should only employ modern private firms that use ballistic deflection devices with LED displays to provide the ultimate protection to your students. You can install walk-through security gates and assign duties to guards at the school’s entrance to ensure no criminal enters your school.

Regular Inspection of School’s Infrastructure

Old school buildings are at a risk of falling apart. This is why it’s crucial for you to conduct regular inspections to ensure the safety of your students. If you’re renovating a specific part of your school, you must cordon off the area with LED safety signboards to prevent students from entering the area and getting injured.

Conducting frequent inspections is also an excellent way for you to gain the trust of parents and attract new clients.

Always Have an Emergency Plan

No matter how many safety measures you take, there’s always a risk of a fire breakout. This is why it’s no surprise that even renowned schools like Rancho Cucamonga High School and Banning High School had fire accidents recently.

This is why you must have an emergency plan to deal with any crisis. Your school should have multiple emergency exits to ensure all your students can evacuate within the blink of an eye. Amidst the chaos, many students might not understand your instructions. You can install LED displays to guide your students during any catastrophe. Make sure you get a durable LED screen that has a long battery time and isn’t delicate.

You need the following items to ensure the safety of your students:

Fire Extinguisher: While the firefighters are on their way, you can start to put out the fire using a fire extinguisher.

First Aid Kit: While your students run for their lives, many can trip and sustain injuries. Yes, you can wait for the ambulance to arrive, but the student could get an infection in that short period. This is why you should keep a first aid kit handy to ensure you can provide medical assistance until the doctors arrive.

Flashlights: Whether you’re dealing with a natural disaster or a fire that has erupted in the school, it won’t take long for power to go out. Even though you might have backup generators, it’s always better to prepare for the worst-case scenario and keep extra flashlights. This can help you guide kids on the stairs and prevent injuries.

Install LED Signboards for Safe Commute to School

The same old boring school routine at home without friends isn’t the ideal situation for a child, right? This is why almost all the students are excited to go back to school.

Excited students tend to run toward their school and ignore the traffic signals on the road. This careless running can lead to accidents. You would never want this to happen, right? So how do you solve this issue?

Yes, teaching your students road safety rules is a good option, but is that enough? We don’t think so.

An excellent way to help your students cross the road is to install an LED screen as a signboard. Since traffic signals seem insignificant to kids, they ignore them easily. A bright LED display can grab the attention of students and help them cross the road safely.

Get Top-Quality LED Displays for School

The safety of your students should always be your priority. If you want to protect them at all costs, it’s time to get LED displays from OPPS Technologies. We’ve developed top-class LED screens that can be used as traffic signs to help students cross the road easily.

You can also install our LED displays at emergency exits as safety signage. Our LED devices can be easily attached to a car, which can help you move the signs around. You can change the messages on the screen easily as it has a WIFI connection.

So, what are you waiting for? Reach out to us today for more details.

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