
How to Improve Customer Service through Inbound Call Centre?

BPO COmpanies
BPO COmpanies

Call centre quality assurance is the practice to synchronise your output results with the customer satisfaction. An inbound call centre professional who aims to provide an exemplary customer service must analyse his performance and improve with each call. While aspiring to set-up an inbound call centre for the first time, it is essential to find the loopholes and take corrective measures to enhance a customer’s experience.

Setting up clear and precise goals:

Firstly, you need to classify your areas of improvements and set a benchmark you want to achieve. Without narrowing the areas of improvements you will not be able to build up a perfect strategy to start. Before implementing any new strategy, analyse its results on your customers and then execute the plan step by step.

Get customers feedback:

The best part of setting up an inbound call centre is that customers call your business for any kind of requirements, demands, and queries. A loyal customer will always give the exact feedback about the kind of services he/she expects and the ones you are delivering. A sure-fire way to boost up a customer’s experience and enhance your company’s services is to involve the feedback of the customers. Provide a set of the questionnaire after every customer’s interaction and ask him to specify the areas he wants to be changed.

Focus on achieving a benchmark:

There are some specified quality norms that every call centre is bound to achieve. Moreover, you can include some of your own standards in order to further enhance the quality measures. Measure your performance with your competitors and analyse the areas you lack. There’s no harm in keeping your key performance indicators under the supervision and analysing how your agents respond under pressure. Improvisation is an ongoing process, as soon as you start evaluating one area you will find other departments that will require improvements.

How to monitor your call centre’s quality of service:

Once you have decided your areas of improvement, it’s time to set a well-structured plan and measure to implement those plans.

Choose the correct software:

The most tedious job in a call centre is to record your own calls and inspect those recordings to analyse the quality and improvements required. But nowadays various software exist that can monitor the live calls and point out the areas where you can incorporate changes.

Depending on the size of the call centre decide the number of calls that can be managed per day. You can also automate a part of your daily routine calls that is monotonous in nature. Software like the meta-data and speech analytic can also improvise your pattern of working.

Decide the important KPI’s:

Quality of any call or service depends majorly on key performance indexes. One should be very careful while choosing the important KPI’s for improvements. These KPI’s should be relevant to your business, easy to understand, high result yielding, and non-time consuming. As it is impossible to record and analyse each and every call, henceforth, note down the prior measured KPI’s and the quality of calls that were the results of those KPI’s. Some of the deciding KPI’s include:

  • How long the call went.
  • If the results are poor, then what can be done to improve?
  • The number of customers needed to be called more than once.

Monitor your call centre performance through various channels:

Not all the customer’s queries can be answered on calls. There are numerous communication channels that a call centre handles. You must ensure that every channel is as productive as live calls. It does not matter if the medium differs, the approach to satisfy your customers should be the same.

Take help from the specialists:

Call centre agents and managers are already dealing with so much that they hardly find time to work on their personal skills. While the quality improvement process requires thorough interventions, hence, hire a professional who without being biased can bring out the hidden metrics of improvements. The hired agent can further aid in developing a training material, providing an outstanding script, or conducting a motivational lecture to boost up the work.

Write solid scripts:

Keeping in mind the set benchmark, create a solid script that can help agents to go a long way improving the customers’ experience. Whether it is the inbound or the outbound calling, a great script can promote an agent’s communication skills to a great extent. With the following tactics, the reflection of an agent’s hard work can be seen by experiencing a tremendous increase in the traffic.


Your customers are the heart of your business. The way you manage your customers determines the life of your business. Inbound call centre Australia professionals have served their customer for ages now. Unhappy customers will automatically look up to the other sources for better services. Therefore, it is mandatory to provide an exemplary service to your customers in case you have planned to build a great career in call centres.

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Written by Alen Parker

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