
How to Develop Good Relations With The Teacher?

As a student, you have hues and cries of your own. The mighty syllabus to cover, countless assignments rolling in every day, sleep deprivation, eating disorders, no social life and what not. Indeed, student life is no less than a military mission with targets set at every corner and deadline bombs installed at various locations.

On the flip side, the teachers also have an emotional story to convey. They come in every day to teach their students wonders of the world, only to find them in a hibernation state in the class. They invest hours to collect and sort relevant data for their students’ disposal yet no one appreciates their efforts. Instead, the students become overjoyed if the class cancels.

Nevertheless, the teacher and the students are the two major elements which make up the education system. It is vital that there are friendly relations maintained between the two categories to encourage learning healthily. To achieve this goal, both the students and teachers should invest ample efforts to develop a friendly learning environment.

As a student, you should install the use of following tips, devised and tested by the professional and top essay writers UK:

Listen To Them:

If you try to distract or cover your ears from beeswax during a lecture, you are liable to receive harsh comments from the other end. In order to maintain a friendly relation with your teacher, it is necessary that you pay heed to what they are saying.

However, don’t interrupt them amidst the lecture as that may disrupt their flow of teaching. You should maintain a healthy eye contact with them to ensure; you are grasping what they are trying to convey.

Be a Conversationalist- But Don’t Go Overboard:

There is a fine line between being frank and being blunt. Frankness is fine; no teacher feels bothered sharing a certain aspect of their life. However, being blunt is a whole new ballgame, and this may offend your teacher. Therefore, evaluate before you speak because words can never be taken back.

Let us assume a situation to indicate the difference between frankness and bluntness. Assume, you see your teacher at a marketplace, what will you do? Of course, go over and greet them with a friendly chat- this is frankness. On the flip side, if you start waving from the other end shouting their name- this is bluntness. Bottom line, be frank but not blunt.

Ask Legitimate Questions:

No teacher on earth feels bothered if the student asks him questions, regarding the topic. There is only one consideration that students should not overlook, and that is hampering their tempo of teaching. Β If you feel confused at a certain point during a lecture, note that query down for later. When the teacher asks you to address your questions, you may ask about the query encountered.

In addition to this, avoid asking irrelevant questions as these may offend your teacher or worse. Stick to the academic objectives and follow the lead of your teacher.

Accept Feedback and Improve:

It is essential that you accept constructive criticism positively and reciprocate to deduce the anticipated results. Teachers develop a likeness for the students who have the spark to improve and grow further.

Furthermore, you can share the academic issues with your teacher and ask for their valuable advice. Listen to what they say and try implementing the crux of their feedback in your studying techniques. Also, you should keep them updated about your progress while thanking them for their precious input.

Read Your Teacher:

Every teacher is different from another. Thus certain strategies to maintain friendly relations with the teacher may not sit well with all teachers. Hence, it is necessary that you read the personality of the teacher to gauge the individual interests of each teacher. For instance, if a particular teacher is short-tempered, you should avoid being nosy and should talk to them only after you have completed the assigned task. On the other hand, if your teacher is a jolly person, you can crack academic jokes to assist them in maintaining a light, friendly environment.

To conclude, teachers and students are necessary for one another hence one should implement the correct measures to strengthen this bond even further.


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Written by Harry Williams

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