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Differences between E-cigarettes and the traditional cigarette

Every time that people talk about vaping, an argument must come up about the use of traditional cigarettes and E-cigarettes. The argument is usually about trying to find out which one between the two is safe.

It is believed that those who currently use vaping accessories, were at some point traditional cigarette smokers and that they would still be smoking the cigarettes if vaping had not been introduced.

Most people also believe that if vaping will survive the huge challenge it is facing about its existence, then a large number of smokers will be able to make the switch and look for other alternatives that will give them some low amount of nicotine like the E-cigarettes.

However, you are the one who is going to make your final decision on what will best work for you. With that being said, let’s look at some differences between these two products. You can always visit any electronic cigarette site if you are new to them and find out how to get started.

  • There is no tobacco in E-cigarettes
  • This is usually one of the main differences when it comes to comparing the traditional cigarettes and the E-cigarettes.
  • When using the E-cigarettes, you will only be required to heat some e-liquid inside the device to release the vapor that you inhale while for the combustible cigarettes, you are supposed to burn it to produce the smoke.
  • The e-liquid inside your vaporizer might or might not be containing any nicotine. This will now depend with the user’s preference. If you choose to use prime vapors, you will realize that they contain a large area of nicotine free cartridges and the vapor juice.
  • E-cigarettes produces vapor that is less harmful
  • The traditional combustible cigarettes usually delivers the nicotine through the smoke that is inhaled by the user.
  • According to some research done by the American cancer society, there are more chemicals contained in a single cigarette smoke, most of them being carcinogenic.
  • In short, a single smoke of traditional cigarette contains more chemicals that when consumed by the body might end up causing cancer.
  • Contrary to this, when using vaporizers, the nicotine will be delivered to you through a vapor which was found to be containing less toxic according to a research done by the University of Victoria’s Center for Addictions Research of BC.
  • E-cigarettes significantly reduces secondhand exposure
  • It is estimated that the smoke produced from a combustible cigarette can last in the air for approximately 18-30 minutes.
  • Tobacco is said to be the major cause of around seven million deaths around the globe and from this number, about 890,000 premature deaths came as a result of the secondhand smoke.
  • Comparing the E-ciggs to that, the E-ciggs produce a vapor that will only last for about 30 seconds. From this, you can conclude that the secondhand exposure to the smoke will be greatly reduced when using the E-cigarettes.
  • Faster dissipation of vapor
  • Comparing the vapor produced by the E-cigarettes and the smoke produced form burning the tobaccos, you will notice the time it takes for both to disappear from the air.
  • As said before, it can take up to 20 minutes for the smoke produced by tobaccos to dissipate from the air while it only take around 30 seconds for the vapor to get lost.
  • The smell from the smoke is also terrible and the more it lasts in the air the more you are in trouble. It can get stuck on anything, including your clothes or even the entire house.
  • Not only does the vapor from the E-ciggs dissipate fast, it also does not leave any smell behind.
  • The E-cigarettes practically costs less
  • It is said that it will cost you about $6.36 to get a pack of cigarettes. This is the average price according to the American cancer society.
  • On the other hand it will cost you about $12.95 to get the bestselling E-cigarette and that’s the Triple mint E-cigarette flavor pack. In this, you will get 5 prefilled cigarettes. It is estimated that each cartridge is equivalent to about ΒΎ of a packet of cigarettes.
  • This implies that you only have to spend like $2.59 for each cartridge while the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes will cost you $3.45 which is a bit expensive compared to the E-cigarettes.


Of course there are many other differences that you can point out between the traditional cigarettes and electronic cigarettes.

This however, are among some of the main differences. As said before, the decision to use either of the products depends on you.

We can only hope that you make the best decision. You can click here to find out more differences between the two.

What do you think?


Written by Simon Hopes

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