
Factors that Impact Your Moving Cost

While planning to move, you may have a lot of concerns and one among them will be about the expense. Taking an exact moving estimate of the expense in advance is difficult but can arrive at a round figure by considering several factors. You can cut down the cost by approaching a moving company but even then you need to analyze various factors to obtain an accurate cost. Here, we are going to discuss various factors that impact your moving cost.

The Moving Destination Matters

The primary factor that decides the moving cost is the destination. The longer the distance is, the vehicle will consume more fuel, and also the driver will invest more time to reach the destination, resulting in a higher cost.

Is it Inter-state or Intrastate?

This is one important factor that decides the moving cost. For intrastate moving, there are no formalities and a truck can directly move in. But if you need to transport inter-state, proper licensing is required for the driver as well as the vehicle. To facilitate inter-state moving, a moving company has to get a US Department of Transport number and should also have the correct insurance cover. It is natural to hike the cost as a company needs to consider these factors.

Type of Services Offered

The service offered by a moving company is reflected in its bill. Generally, companies offer multiple services. The basic service is the collection of gods and their transfer. It involves less work and is the cheapest. But services like packaging, door delivery, unpacking, and rearranging involves more workers and paper works. And obviously, this gets reflected in the moving estimate.

Type of Packing

You need to consider the type of packing while calculating the moving cost. Certain products require heavy packing or extra effort to reach the destination safely. Also, the other types of equipment required to move it safely will be added to the total cost.

Size of Products to be Moved

There is no flat cost for a product. Instead, it is calculated as per the size. For example, two tables with different sizes or weights will bear different moving charges. This is because the labor involved in moving and the precautions are taken will be different. So be prepared to consider this factor while preparing the moving estimate.

Where do You Need to be Delivered

Where do you want the gods to be delivered? This is a critical question while approaching a moving company. Certain moving companies go for the pavement to pavement option. Here, the gods will not be picked from home and will also be delivered at a fixed spot from where you need to move. The company will quote an amount much lesser. Another factor affecting the cost is the location. If there is no proper access to either the pickup point or delivery point, the moving cost will go up. Similarly, more labor is required to move from an apartment with no lift or proper access. This can make the moving cost go up.

The Number of Goods to be Moved

How many goods you have to be moved? The quantity will decide the type of truck that needs to be called. More goods mean more labor and big size truck. This will normally reflect on your total moving bill.

When Are You Planning to Move

If you are serious about the total cost, think twice about the season. In summer, the cost will be more in comparison to winter. Why so? In winter, people move less and there is not much traffic. Less traffic means less business. And less business prompt companies to offer discounts. Or maybe this will give you a chance to bargain. Most people prefer to move in summer and this is the time when moving companies are full of business. This leaves no option for a price cut. Moving on holidays or weekends will also impact on the moving estimate. Hence, while moving, we should avoid:

  • Summer
  • Holidays
  • Weekends

How About Insurance

Moving out of state requires insurance against loss or damage to goods. Some companies offer full protection against any damage or loss of property, which means the full cost will be paid for the replacement or repair of any damaged goods. However, this means the moving company will charge more on the bill. But it is always better to insure than to regret in the future for the loss.

The various factors that play a role in moving costs need to be considered while calculating the moving cost. This will help to analyze where to cut and how much. Opting for a reputed moving company will help you move to a new location without burning the pocket as they are experienced and can guide you on these factors.

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