Man and Woman are incomplete without each other. Marriage between a man and woman ties them in a sacred and purest bond. Marriage is a crucial thing that changes your life entirely. So, choosing a life partner is the most important and critical decision one needs to make. Everyone desires for a partner who is compatible with them mentally as well as physically and understands them completely. For each being in this world, there is one soulmate. Some find them easily, some do not. For those who cannot find, Astrology comes to their rescue. Β Vedic or Hindu Astrology can help one to find out the soulmate or partner they are looking for by simply analyzing their respective birth charts.The 7th house in oneβs birth chart is the house of partnership and marriage. So, the seventh house in the Horoscope has a strong connection with the spouse or life partner. If there is no planet in the seventh house, then we have to look for seventh Lord. We can’t neglect seventh place of Navamsa and Lagna Lord of Navamsa. Planets that are placed in the seventh place of Navamsa additionally assume a crucial part in marriage and choosing a life partner.The presence of Venus, the planet of love, also plays a critical role in determining how your partner is going to be. The position of Venus in Navamsa graph is an important factor and holds immense significance. As per astrology, the 7th house in your horoscope will be the sign of your life partnerβs traits and behavior. Your zodiac sign will tell you the nature and personality of your future life partner. This is a common question that everyone wants answers to as they are curious about their life partners and Astrology gives you an idea about the same.
Horoscope matching is another interesting aspect which helps one choose their life partner, especially in Hindu weddings. Birth chart or horoscope of an individual plays a significant role in predicting their future and discovering his or her compatibility with their future marriage partner. With Horoscope matching, marriage is built on strategically calculated gunas and the compatibility of two people is determined through various aspects. This, in turn, assures that the couple will spend the rest of their lives together happily.
36 Gunas are the perspectives that need to be considered by comparing the horoscopes of the bride and groom to find out their compatibility with each other. Here is an overview of the 36 Gunas compared for approving a marriage as per Hindu Astrology in India.
Kundali Match or Guna Milan:Kundali matching also called as Guna Milan is the first step in finding out the marriage compatibility between a couple. It is done according to the detailed guidelines given in the astrological texts. Guna Milan helps in defining the stability and long life of the relationship between the groom and bride.
36 Gunas OverviewThese are the 8 categories for Ashtakoot with the number of points given for each of these categories. Note that the total number of gunas under the Ashtakoot matching makes 36 Gunas.
- Nadi: 8 gunas
- Bhakoot: 7 gunas
- Gana: 6 gunas
- Maitri: 5 gunas
- Yoni: 4 gunas
- Tara: 3 gunas
- Vasya: 2 gunas
- Varna: 1 guna.
Hence, the total number of Gunas are 36.
The Essential Compatibility Requirement:
Among the 36 Gunas, no less than 18 must match for getting auspicious for the marriage. The most necessary aspects ensured under these 18 Gunas relate with mental compatibility, Mangalik dosh, the strength of the proposed relationship, the inclinations that are in opposition to each other, common attitude and approach, children, general well being, sexual compatibility, and others.
When is a Marriage Approved?
For approving a marriage, there must be at least 18 Guna matches between the groom and bride’s horoscopes. If the matching Gunas are under 18, then the proposed match is inauspicious. If 18 to 25 Gunas match, it is considered as a good marriage. The best match for marriage is when 26 to 32 Gunas match. In exceptional cases, over 32 Gunas may match between the bride and groom and such a marriage is the perfect one and the level of similarity between the bride and the groom is the most astounding and best in such cases.
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