
Skip Bins to Keep Your Surrounding Area Spick and Span

Being a society of collected individuals, we produce a lot of waste that needs to be taken care of. Waste, when not disposed of properly, can cause adverse health hazards and pollute the surrounding environment. Proper management of waste is crucial and skip bins play a significant role in disposing of the trash. Let’s know more about them.

What Are Skip Bins?

A skip bin is a broad, open-topped container designed for loading into a specific kind of lorry. It is a special kind of bin that does not need to be emptied on-site, but be loaded onto a truck, ensuring no spilling of garbage and maintaining cleanliness. An empty container generally replaces a filled bin. It’s frequently used for holding construction waste, garden waste and other types of waste in residential or commercial areas. These come in various dimensions, based on the quantity and type of garbage to be collected.

Types of Skip Bins

There are several types of skip containers, and they are not limited to a single model only. Covering different needs, these bins are classified based on size and functionality. They are mainly divided into four categories:

1. Open Skips:

Ideal for bulky waste streams, these types of skips are primarily found at construction sites. They allow easier loading of waste materials and are effective for use at sites that produce large quantities of wastes that need to be recycled or disposed of.

2. Closed Skips:

As the name suggests, this bin type is closed from all sides and comes with a door too. This makes it more secure and prevents unauthorized use. These skips are suitable for larger, heavy materials and soils. This bin ensures that the volume of waste doesn’t exceed its limit, thereby preventing accidental spillage.

3. RORO Skips:

Roll-on and Roll-off skips, as the name suggests, these bins instead of being loaded on a wagon, get rolled onto it. It is ideal for commercial and industrial sectors and is not recommended for use by domestic households.

Benefits Offered by Skip Bins

The primary reason behind installing skips is to make the job of rubbish removal easy, which can otherwise be a very demanding task. Skips prove to be the best solution when it comes to disposing of large amounts of waste. Given below are the benefits of having these bins at your site:

  • They Save Your Time, Effort and Money:

Probably, the most significant advantage of using a skip bin is that it saves time, effort and money. It eliminates the cumbersome task of disposing of the waste by oneself. Domestic households don’t have to collect the waste and arrange transportation to dump it to a garbage disposal site.

  • Allows to Dispose of the Waste in One Go:

No matter the size and quantity of the waste, skips allow households and industries to get rid of their waste in one go, as they come in various shapes and sizes. These bins are designed to carry large quantities of waste so that they can be mobilized for quick and proper disposal.

  • Ensures Proper Elimination of Waste:

The public, in general, has no idea of disposing of garbage properly and ends up merely dumping all of it into a landfill that is surely not eco-friendly. However, one can ensure proper disposal of waste if they use skip hire service, as all the waste is collected by professionals who follow standard procedures before disposing of it.

Nearly every kind of waste is hazardous if not disposed of properly. Skip bins can not only be a safe and secure medium to dispose of waste smartly and efficiently, but it also serves as the best option for managing waste when an entire community is looking up to keep the environment clean and healthy.

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Written by Evan Javier

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