
7 UX Design Trends Every Designer Will Love in 2019

People often appreciate the innovative app idea, features and functionality of an application.

But, regardless of how innovative, insightful and useful your app is, if its UX design isn’t enticing enough to keep the users hooked, you are wrecked.

UX (User Experience) design is often undervalued, but it holds a major role in crafting the roadmap to app success. It’s the app design that lures users in to install your app and start tapping on its icons. It’s the UX design that shows the app flow like a fairy-tale and makes the users jump on their seats.

Considering how important UX design is in making your app a Blockbuster hit or an average app, it is extremely necessary to consider this element when building an application. And when it comes to considering the UX design, looking into the latest market trends lands you into a win-win situation.

So, here is a list of UX design trends that you must watch out in 2019 to rule the hearts and minds of the app users:-

7 Trends that Will Reshape the UX Design Arena in 2019

  • A shift from Flat to Material Design

2019 will see a drastic shift from Flat design to Material design. The designers will ditch the clean, crisp edges and bright colors that come under Flat design for Google’s Material Design. They will consider Material Design and give greater emphasis to detailed grid-based layout, in-depth textures and responsive designs to bring their design to life and offer trust to the users.

In a nutshell, the designers will understand the impact of Material design on app design and embrace it to attract and retain users while beating the competition.

  • Simple Navigation

Simplicity will continue to get special treatment in 2019. The UI and UX designers will not just place all the latest design elements on the screens, they will understand the users’ perspective and put more efforts to streamline their navigation on the mobile platform. They will consider every minute detail while designing to ensure that they add creativity to their design, without compromising  user’s comfort.

For example, mobile app designers will make it certain that widely used buttons and elements are used. They will also consider their position on every screen so that users could enjoy navigation from one app screen to another without a single pause.

  • Emphasis on Content

One of the biggest UX trends for 2019 will be the focus on Content. The UX designers will realize and work in the direction of offering useful information to the customers in varied ways.

They will craft some simple, engaging and helpful storyboards and invest in the video creation and distribution mechanisms to add a cinematic feel to their mobile application and keep the users gratified. But, at the same time, they will ensure that a balance between the energy spent on content creation and the outcome is maintained during mobile app development.

  • Highly Personalized Interactions

2019 will observe a tremendous increase in the use of chatbots and other such conversational interfaces. The UX designers will dig deeper into the customer data and evaluate insights that help them understand customer needs and behavior. And with the insights gained, AI-based chatbots and technologies like NLP (Natural Language Processing), they will interact with customers in a voice tone they are familiar with and deliver a personalized user experience.

  • Voice-Activated Interfaces

With users relishing accessing services via voice-assistants and voice industry predicted to hit around $18 billion by 2023, voice-based interfaces will soon become the need for designers.

In 2019, the app development companies will focus on providing advanced customization and navigation services using voice. They will work on developing apps accepting long voice-command queries along with short keyword searches, and be prepared for the trending voice search scenario.

  • Augmented Reality

In the year 2019, AR (Augmented Reality) will take UX designers on a journey beyond screens. It will encourage them to play with micro movements and work while understanding the psychology behind the designing process to deliver an appealing experience to the end users.

  • Design for Foldable Smartphones

Last but the most fascinating UX trend for 2019 will be designing for foldable display smartphones. As initiated by Samsung by introducing Galaxy F, various other brands will also launch and support foldable mobile devices in upcoming years, resulting in the availability of about 3.1 million foldable display smartphones in the market.

This will increase the demand for adopting hybrid designs to offer a great experience for both the views in a foldable display smartphone.

While the aforementioned 7 trends will surely make a difference in the UX design industry, many more trends are expected to hit the market in 2019. Do you know any such UX design trend? Share in the comment section below.

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Written by Bhupinder Kaur

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