In the current era of digitalization, a rapid incline towards watching live videos has been observed since 2015. Since inception, Live streaming solutions have been helping various educational institutes in live webcasting college functions and imparting education worldwide. Live education broadcasting has made it easy for the education sector to live stream classroom sessions for students sitting afar. One can easily Live stream education events without any geographical restrictions and reach millions at a time globally.
In recent times, the advancements in technology have made it easy to impart education to students, regardless of age and gender. E-learning has made it easy for students to gain knowledge of the desired course. Many institutes, schools & colleges are opting for live webcasting for education to impart knowledge through online courses. It has made easy for students to attain knowledge of the desired course even by sitting at a distance. Online courses give students the flexibility of time to grab the knowledge as per their convenience. Most education institutes save a video-on-demand after the completion of live stream classroom sessions. It makes it easier for students to rewind the parts and see them again.
Live education broadcasting has removed all the barriers from age to distance, and education is blooming in the current trend. Live webcasting for education is prevalent than ever before and is growing furthermore with each passing year.
Ever since the education sector started using Live webcasting for education, various structured courses are being offered by universities, allowing students to enroll online.
Many students of developing nations were not able to grasp a good education due to the lack of efficient schools and universities. Live education broadcasting has bridge the gap between quality education and students sitting afar. Schools are following the approach of imparting education through live stream classroom sessions. Students and teachers both are loving and adapting the concept of live education broadcasting as it has resolved all the barriers associated with education.
Live webcasting for education is gaining immense popularity due to its benefits. It has increased the literacy rate in recent years and is more flexible in its approach that suits the requirement of students. Live stream education events allow students to participate in online education sessions thereby delivering optimal results.
Various educational institutes opt to Live stream education events like workshops, lectures, seminars, etc. thereby reaching millions at a single click. A recent survey reports, 77% of academic leaders believe live education broadcasting is a better medium for imparting education than traditional forms.
Benefits of global Live streaming for education:
1. A cost-effective way for imparting knowledge
Live education broadcasting or imparting education through live streaming classroom sessions, is the most cost-effective and efficient way out. It reaches a wide range of students around the globe. Some students of the developing nations are not able to get good knowledge due to a lack of efficient schools and teachers. Live webcasting for education has given them access to online courses, to attain knowledge most cost-effectively.
2. Β Boost students interactions
Live educational broadcasting, boost interaction between teachers and students. It allows students to interact with teachers and clear their doubts about a certain topic. Some students find it quite difficult to have face to face interactions and ask questions to teachers in the class.
Live webcasting for education allows students and teachers to interact directly, without the involvement of other students.
3. Saves Time
Virtual events are being missed by people due to some reasons, whether some got stuck in official chores or pending dealings. Live streaming has made real events accessible to viewers without getting their time wasted. Colleges and universities are live streaming education events as well as opt to live stream college functions apart from imparting knowledge through live education broadcasting. Academic leaders are live streaming classroom sessions which makes it quite easy for students to gain knowledge simply by tuning in.
4. Β A better learning experience
Live stream classroom sessions are entirely different from traditional classes. Teachers find it tough to pay attention to all students in traditional classes, and doubt of students remains intact and unanswered. Live education broadcasting allows students to rewind the parts of the lessons that they find hard to understand at once at their convenience. Watching the saved on-demand video, as many times as you don’t get the concept makes it easy for students to understand the topic which they might hesitate to ask in traditional classes. When a university or college opt to Β Live stream for education, the live stream is recorded simultaneously which can be viewed later on by the students, Β for a better learning experience.
5. On-demand video for better learning
All sectors are benefiting from live streaming solutions and the education sector is not left behind. Live educational broadcasting allows educational institutes to provide on-demand content on various topics to the audiences. A study reports that live webcasting for education has increased student learning thereby providing them satisfaction with a huge percentage. Live videos for education have given students better learning experience. Online education sessions have been anticipated to increase retention rates. A study reports that students who attended the live stream classroom sessions cover course much faster than traditional students.
6. Mobile friendly
With the advancement in technology, everything is just a click away. Smartphones are an effective medium that serves the purpose of live streaming. A majority of people access Live streams on smartphones rather than on laptops, as they are easy to use anywhere anytime. To check the notifications one just turns on to smartphones. It’s a general habit of a human to check the notifications on smartphones. Mobile friendly educational live streams made it easy for viewers to access the live stream of education events and live classroom sessions.
Live streaming for education is helping both academic teachers and students around the world, in the current phase of digitization. Live education broadcasting is an effective medium for imparting education to millions, who are not able to grasp quality education, thereby removing all the barriers. Education is booming with each passing year and setting milestones, by providing quality e-learning experiences to students.
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