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Understanding The Effectiveness Of A Bulk SMS Application

The 21st century marked the prevalence with the use of SMS as a form of marketing tool. Just like in other forms of online marketing, the use of bulk SMS as a marketing tool has really worked out well, especially for SME. On top of that, the century has witnessed even the multinational and transnational adapting to this form of marketing. Is the use of bulk SMS worthy your time and money? Or it’s just the common trends with some marketing tools which are hyped and at the end, their effectiveness becomes a matter of question? However, some of the effectiveness of bulk SMS application include:

1. Bulk SMS can be deployed at faster rate.

Texting has become popular in the 21st century. This may be due to the fact that there are more mobile phone users everyday. The popularity of the use of text messages makes bulk SMS to be deployed at a faster rate. Moreover, with the advancement of the use of technology, there is the use of texting mobile applications that even makes the sending of large texts to be instantaneous.

2. Bulk SMS have a lower degree of waste.

Addressing your target audience by the use of bulk SMS text messages is quite effective. Statistics have proved that 90 % of the message that we receive are read within three minutes. Moreover, more than 75 % of the mobile phone users are fond of using the text service message. With the use of the bulk SMS service, you will be sure that your marketing efforts are not subjected to a higher degree of wastage. Just envisage how many times, customers, read their emails. What about replying to emails that are network related? You will agree with me that the use of bulk SMS here is quite effective.

3. It’s just easier to create bulk Sestets.

Just 160 characters and you are done with the daily marketing objective? That sound quite easy as you don’t even require intensive skills and training to do that. What about the resources that are needed to curate the 160 characters? I bet during an accounting period, probably the resources used may be categorized as miscellaneous expenses. On top of that, there are many software that even makes it easier to use the service.

4. Bulk SMS are faced with Limited barriers.

Bulk SMS do not fall into the spam folders with the use of emails. Once you have curated your message, you have complied with all the required regulation, you will be sure to reach anyone just provided that you have their phone numbers. Moreover, you may be able to know the number of customers who have received your text messages. What about the cost barriers? When I compare the financial input of other modes of advertising like the use of television with bulk SMS, the use of bulk SMS API conquers it all.

In conclusion, the use of bulk SMS in marketing has proved to provide viable results to most businesses. The concept may not be new to many businesses but it may trend in the future days.

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Written by Supriya Gupta

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