Create Content People Will Read
Creating content for people to read and interact with is one of the most effective contemporary forms of marketing. It boosts engagement with your audience and causes them to become more invested in your website and what you have to offer. And as a healthcare website this is crucial, people will, undoubtedly, try the things you recommend or talk about to see whether they will change something. Once you become a reputable source, people will share your articles and talk about you with friends and family. You can create multiple types of content: blogs, infographics, short videos, and articles.
With health always staying as a relevant topic, you simply cannot go wrong with producing content for your website to boost traffic, as there will never be a shortage of people who Google their problems away.
Understand Web Trafficking
In order to boost your website traffic, you need to know that there are multiple sources that contribute to your siteβs traffic. Knowing how much one of these contributes will be vital for you so that you know what category you boost will become the most successful.
β’ Organic Traffic
When a user searches something and clicks on your website via the search results is considered an organic search. You can boost the position of your site by making your website search engine-friendly. By using your products/services-related search terms in the search engine and making quality and interactive content, you will boost the position of your article and climb the ladder on the search page. Keep in mind that if your website and articles come up on the second page on Google searches, you will have, on average, a CTR (Click-through rate) of less than 1%! This will mean that your website practically doesnβt even exist.
β’ Direct Traffic
Direct traffic means that a user has come into contact with a URL that has led them to your site. This excludes using other sources to come into contact with your website, and it can also be accredited by people having your website in bookmarks and revisiting it. Direct trafficking can happen in 3 ways:
1) Returning visitors
2) Offline promotions
3) Word-of-mouth
β’ Social Traffic
Social trafficking comes from the use of social media as a gateway to your website. This can include sources like Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.
You can increase social trafficking by engaging more with the desired social media platform. You can do this by creating a profile for your website, posting articles there, interacting with people, having good customer services, and planning online events. For example, a locum doctor recruitment agency would thrive with a strong social media presence, because the nature of its business would attract people from multiple professions and have a wider outreach.
β’ Referral Traffic
Referral traffic is when a user clicks on an outside source (like a hyperlink) that redirects them to your website. The site that provided that hyperlink is then seen as a βreferral siteβ.
β’ Paid Trafficking and Other Sources
Paid trafficking are clicks made on your website that are the result of paid advertising, most notably search engine advertising.
There are multiple ways of increasing your paid trafficking:
1) Create a high-quality optimized page for paid advertising
2) Know your target audience
3) Use high-quality attention-grabbing images to pique the interest of the potential clicker
SEO Relevant to You
The point of SEO is to tie specific and relevant keywords to you. It is used to increase your website traffic, and that is why for a strong and healthy website, you will need to understand what SEO can work for you.
Having a stronger SEO means that you will be at the top of search results for that particular string of words or keywords. And so, for a healthcare website, you will need to decide carefully what words you want to represent you. Choose keywords that are associated with health and you feel are your strong points. By choosing adequate terms, you are able to boost traffic and get recognized far more often due to Googleβs algorithm understanding what your articles are about.
Headings are also a vital part of good SEO. Headings are also used to help Google understand what the article is about, and the structure of the whole article should be done in such a way that it helps boost your SEO. This can be done by utilizing headings like this β Heading 1 should be the title of the article, heading 2 should be a section of the article while heading 3 can be used to break up information even further. This gives the algorithm a scaling effect from most important to least important.
Once you have optimized your marketing campaign, it is time to look at the analytics. For this, you will need to learn the basics of keyword analytics. This is especially useful for a healthcare website that will depend on the strength of its keywords. Keyword analytics can show you exactly what keywords are causing the most interaction and engagement, giving you a good perspective on what parts you are doing right, and what are you doing wrong. There are 2 vital factors you need to understand in keyword analytics:
β’ The Volume of Traffic
This lets you know just how many people are searching up a specific keyword during a month. With this, you can choose a high-traffic word with which you can get the most exposure.
β’ The Competition for the Keyword
Competition for a given keyword is incredibly important when deciding on a keyword to use for SEO. If a word has extremely high competition, it would be recommendable to stick to a lower competition keyword (preferably with high volumes of traffic). So it comes down to whether you can strike a good balance between the 2 mentioned factors.
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