Business owners must be aware of the fact that it is essential to have business websites. The sites are vital as they help build a strong presence on the internet for customers. Business owners can see venture flourish in higher degrees. In today’s marketing world, you cannot ignore the internet and its potential impact on your business. Through the internet, you have the capability to cater to hundreds of clients and new customers which can be instrumental in making your company become a global brand.
Today, WordPress is the most popular platform for building a business website. However, you cannot expect to see benefits from merely having a business website on WordPress. You will have to incorporate a host of varied techniques to make your business website visible to more people. An easy way to do this is by combining themes based on Instagram with your WordPress website. This article will help you to understand how to do this.
Why is Instagram important?
Instagram has seen a considerable surge in popularity, especially after Facebook bought this social media application for $1 billion. Many people, at that time, criticized the decision doubting the popularity of the app. They felt it was a massive mistake for Facebook to invest in the company. However, the reality was entirely different because, after Instagram’s acquisition, Instagram’s user count grew from 40 million to almost 600 million. Around 100 million people joined the app in just a year. That reflects how popular Instagram is and why marketing strategists will need to use the social media app to boost their business promotions.
Will Instagram be able to draw any benefits to give more profits to your business?
The central message which this article is trying to give you is that you must not ignore Instagram on any count. Instagram is a prime application for social media, and it offers a lot of opportunities for businesses. To ensure that your business gets more success, you will have to in one way or another integrate your Instagram with your business website on WordPress. The more your integration is, the better are the chances of you getting more success in your business. You will be able to integrate Instagram with your business website in many different ways. You can try using an Instagram based theme on your business website on WordPress. A topic on a website based on Instagram will increase the familiarity of the website’s design to new users. People will find it comfortable to browse through your site. There are a lot of ways by which you can use elements from Instagram on your business website. Some of the unique methods of integrating Instagram elements are as follows:
1. Make use of the embeddings which are built in WordPress by default:
In WordPress, you can find different types of embeddings which are quite functional and help to enhance the experience of your business website in better ways. For instance, you will be easily able to put various embeddings of the tweets you make or the videos you upload on YouTube. Such functionalities will also be available to you for Instagram. The thing of utmost importance which you must do is to get a direct link or the URL from your Instagram posts and then paste it in your business website on WordPress. It will embed your Instagram posts on WordPress.The easiest way to do this is to go on to the desktop version of Instagram in after which you must look for the photos which seem relevant to you and which you will want to put in your business website. After that, find the URLs of the pictures which can be seen in the top in your browser’s address bar and then paste the links in the business website. It will display your Instagram posts on your business website.
2. Use a particular Instagram widget on your WordPress website:
A relatively simple and easy way to create a theme based on Instagram for WordPress is to use a plugin or a widget which will allow you to show your photos in a straight stream from your official Instagram profile. You will need to put this widget in the area specially dedicated for widgets in your business website. You can find a lot of such useful widgets and essential plug-ins readily available, and a lot of them will also be free. These are quite easy to use, and you will not need to learn any special tricks for being able to use them. You should ensure however that the size of the photos in your photostream are adequate and can display the content in detail. The resolutions need to be just perfect to get maximum views from users.
3. Put up photos from Instagram to your business website directly:
You can use WordPress to back up your Instagram gallery and store these photos up on the web server. That will allow you to give detailed and elaborate descriptions on your posts with background stories as well when you write your content on your main business website. There are a lot of plugins which will be able to do this for you.
You will have to ensure that you get more followers on Instagram to generate a good online presence to make your business prosper more. If you are interested, you can visit Gramblast.comΒ to learn how you can get more followers.
Β It is essential that you have a good business website with effective web design to leave a mark on the internet and woo your customers. You can incorporate Instagram based themes to help make your business website do better. If you are one of those who is yet to incorporate these features, you need to start now. Delaying will only keep your brand lost in the wilderness of the internet. So hurry up, and hopefully, the information mentioned in this article has given you a good idea about how you can incorporate an Instagram based theme on WordPress.
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