
Why Do People Often Look for February for Holy Journey?

There isn’t any fixed time to perform Umrah, you can go on this sacred journey at any time of the year. To make your experience joyful and memorable it’s better to book the February Umrah packages. Because during this season most people have holidays and they can perform Umrah without worries about worldly affairs. Also, the weather is mild in Saudi Arabia during February so you won’t have to face the scorching sun and you’ll be able to perform all the rituals with ease.

By performing Umrah during February you are not only soothing your soul but also giving your children the chance to visit Allah’s home because of their winter vacations. You wouldn’t have to worry about your children’s safety and they can visit other holy places in Makkah and Madinah with ease.

Why February is Considered the Best?

The most remarkable benefit of performing Umrah in February is the favourable weather when you wouldn’t have to face extreme temperatures. Also, there are fewer people during this month in Makkah and Madinah, so you can perform all the rituals with ease.

Spiritual Peace

When there are fewer people in Makkah you can make a deeper connection with Allah and can spend maximum time around the Holy Kaaba. During this month the weather is nice and you can avail the peace of mind and make an ideal setting to refresh your soul and gain spiritual peace. You wouldn’t have to face the rushy areas, in that way, you can pray to Allah with your whole heart and seek his forgiveness.

Avoid Crowd

If you don’t want to get disturbed during your prayers and want to make your journey fruitful, look for the February Umrah packages. Because it’s the month when there is no rush of Hajj and Ramadan. Most people prefer to visit the holy places of Makkah and Madinah during Ramadan. You can avoid rush places and any sort of disturbance by traveling in February and making the most of your journey. During peak seasons it’s difficult to perform rituals and gain access to all the facilities.

Pleasant Weather

During the summer season, it feels really difficult to perform an Umrah pilgrimage as it requires you to travel a lot. It becomes nearly impossible to travel long journeys on your feet. Also during winter, it’s difficult to manage the cold and perform Umrah rituals altogether. So February seems to be the best month in Saudi Arabia when it’s not too hot and not too cold. You’ll enjoy your journey along with performing Umrah rituals. Even if you have to wait for the local transport it wouldn’t be an issue, also traveling on your feet during ‘Tawaf’ will be a pleasurable experience.

Avail Affordable Deals

As you know it’s an off-season so there’ll be fewer people looking for Umrah packages. That’s when you can avail attractive deals on February Umrah packages. Because travel agents offer deals and discounts in the off-season to market their business. You’ll be given the convenience of flight, ticket, visa, accommodation, and others including visits to the sacred places (ziyarat) of Makkah and Madinah.

Visit Historical and Cultural Places

Along with performing religious obligations if you want to know more about the history of Islam or you want to let your kids know about the beauty of their religion. Traveling in February to ziyarat of Taif, Tabuk, Madinah, and Makkah, including the cave of Hira, and Arafat Mount will be much easier. This will build a strong connection in your children with Allah and they’ll tend to take more interest in Islam. These historical places have a deep connection with the Islamic faith.

Hassle-Free Trip

February is usually less busy and in some countries, there are winter breaks during this season so you can avail this free time to pray and make maximum Dua. There are several February Umrah packages and services offered by travel agents. It’s the best time to plan your trip without facing any anxiety or enjoy your rituals in Makkah without any interruption.

Travel with Your Loved Ones

You might have planned several trips with your friends or family but you may not know the significance of performing Umrah with your family. It’s the time when you avoid social media and interaction with other people. So you can avail this time by making deeper connections with your family, sharing your worries with them, and praying to Allah together. Spending a good amount of time together without interruptions from other increases love and strengthen your bond. Even the Islamic teaching or lessons you discuss with your loved ones will considered a good deed and will multiply your reward. You can spend most of your time near the Kaaba and make life-long memories, seek Allah’s mercy, and ask for his forgiveness. Make your prayers known and get the most from this spiritual place during this peaceful month.

Final Words

Doing Umrah is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for some people and they want to make the most of this season. So if you are looking for a peaceful time of year, choose the February Umrah package from a reputable travel agency. You’ll get enough time to perform your rituals and strengthen your bond. Keep yourself prepared for this tiring journey and don’t just book the package of your need. Instead, learn Dua’s and get enough knowledge about the Umrah rituals to avoid all sorts of confusion. Forget all the worldly affairs and make the most of this spiritual place. Every Muslim wishes to perform this journey in peace without any hassle. May Allah accept your prayers and make you the guest of His home.

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Written by Alice Barianna

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