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Boost your sales and increase revenues by investing in Instagram marketing

The question that most business owners ask themselves is Instagram worth their effort for the progress of their business? They wonder if this visual representation platform can boost their business and take it to the next level. Experts in the field of digital and online marketing say that it can. Instagram can make waves for your business and carry it to the next level provided you are aware of how to use it well.

What are the key benefits of Instagram for business marketing online?Β 

Instagram marketing provides you with a large number of benefits that you should consider if you wish to take your business to the next levels. It is a mobile application platform that helps you to share photographs with one another. On the business front, Instagram is doing quite well and is popular primarily because it helps customers get an insight into the real products and services that you offer. Online experts say that Instagram gives you the following benefits-

  • Improve connections – When you ask most people about social media platforms and customer engagement they will pick Facebook and Twitter. However, Instagram is gradually becoming one of the most widely sought after social media platforms in the world today. There has been a research study conducted by Forrester Research that says that Instagram gets 120 more engagement over Twitter. Experts here suggest with such good engagement, Instagram is indeed the perfect social media platform for you to engage your customers and interact with them as well. You can communicate with your customers, establish relationships and listen to their feedback as well. There are several ways via which you can engage them. You may upload a photograph of your product and ask your customer what they think about the product. In this way, you can give your customers a sneak peek into the new product and get valuable information about what they feel about it. You effectively can build conversations and make improvements as per the desire of your customer. This makes them happy and enhances customer satisfaction.
  • Understand the tastes and the preferences of your audience – Instagram gives you the chance to understand the tastes and the preferences of your customer. You may not know it but your customers might already by sharing photographs of your products. If you wish to improve the reach of your customer base, you should take a photograph and tag the location. This will help you get more and more customers in your location. If you have a shop or a store, you will benefit from this a lot. Restaurants can take pictures of the dishes they serve and have them shared by their customers. This will increase the footfall in their premises.
  • Generate more sales – Instagram has been able to generate more sales for businesses thanks to its user-friendly platform. The business owners that have used Instagram say that it is so simple that even when you are on the go you can click, upload and edit pictures. The social media platform provides you with photo filters that you can share with your network and attract them to your business. Instagram helps you attract real Instagram followers as photos can send a business message to its targeted audience in an efficient way. The best part of Instagram is you can help your targeted audience know about the new products and services you can launch in the market. They can get educated and informed about the products through Instagram stories and posts where you can post a call to action to your customers as well.
  • Instagram is also known for its hashtags –Β  How they can help you reach out to the targeted audience faster? These hashtags can connect to a wider audience that is looking for your goods and services. This is why Instagram has an edge when it comes to brand awareness and visibility. If you take a look at Instagram today, you will find that its users are in the age group of 18 years to 30 years. This proves to be an added advantage to your business. You can reach out to this large section of society who love postings photos on Instagram.

Instagram is popular primarily because all you need is a smartphone to use it. The user interface is so simple that it will only take you a few seconds to understand the platform. Businesses that use Instagram have reported better sales and leads. They are happy with the customer response and features that it has to help promote the business. Moreover, for advertising on Instagram, you do not have to opt for hefty advertising plans for your website. The platform is free and convenient for every business to use!

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Written by walter moore

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