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Social Media Platform For Quick Consumer Complaint Solution

If you purchased goods and services from any offline or online store and after your shopping, you feel you are cheated by the company or find anything else like getting a defective product, wrong delivery of product, charged extra amount from MRP, Β duplicate and fake product, rude behaviour, misleading you by doing fake advertisement etc. You found any of these things after shopping and want to make your complaint for the proper solution of your problem. Β Then, go through call or sending email may take time reach company while these ways are also effective to tell your problem to the company but if you looking for a quick solution then I think you need to go through social media platform. Social media platform allow you to share your story with company easily. Company wants to make their better online presence and sincerely they want to improve online reputation of their brand products or services. In these platforms, company will never neglect you because there are may customers who are using their product or services and following the brand of the company. You can use these Social Media platform to resolve consumer complaints quickly which are given as below:

1. Facebook: It is one of the most popular and most effective social media sites where every company who know the power of online business have their own brand and business page. You can go through Facebook search your company name and write your story or complaints on their wall. You can message them or comment on company Facebook page pots to tell your problem to the company. There are few things you need to remember before writing your complaint on company Facebook page. First, your words should be kind and polite. Β  Second, your post should be related to your complaint, don’t include any other thing which is not related to your complaint. Third, provide full information step by step and also include your order ide on your post. Fourth, politely tell them what solution you are looking for your complaint. In the last step attach related documents and evidence which pointing to your complaint. Β If company know the value of online presence then they will surely contact you provide you best solution for your problem. After providing the best solution and consumer complaint resolution they will also ask you to post your Feedback or review on company Facebook business page.

2. Twitter: Twitter is also a most powerful platform to contact the company directly by using your tweets, messages or comments. Here consumer can interact directly with the company to tell them your problem for quick resolution of your complaints. There are many consumer complaints resolved at twitter social networking site.

If you still not satisfied with company response or still looking for a solution then you can file consumer complaints at Voxya online consumer complaint forum to resolve your consumer complaints with an optimal solution. It helping consumers to get a replacement, refund and return as soon as possible. Voxya team know all the tricks and strategies to resolve consumer complaints quickly and trusted by more than 2000 consumers just in 3months. Try it once to resolve consumer complaints quickly.

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Written by Kanika Goyal

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