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A Deeper Look at Cyber Essentials and What it is Exactly?

If you have been following the tech news, lately you would have been aware of the government’s latest deadlines regarding the GDPR and cyber essentials scheme. With all the cyber work threats lurking around us, it is no brainer that businesses are now panicked enough to buy every ounce of security that they can get their hands on. This new scheme of Cyber Essentials is another safety cushion which is being offered to the businesses that would help lower their insurance cost and bring the networks securer.

But what exactly is this cyber essential scheme?

Let us find that out.

Cyber Essentials certification was a scheme that was introduced by the government back in 2014 to promote better cybersecurity around all businesses across the UK. If we look at its role at the lowest level, it works to perform the following tasks:

•    Creating rightful awareness

•    Urging companies to take a deeper look at the security of their cyber network

•    Prompting the companies to think more around the grounds of improvement

As a part of this awareness campaign, the companies are made to read through the checklist and material that is provided on the official website to improve their knowledge further.

This path helps you analyze your security habits but isn’t enough proof for the customers. Thus, what would be even more helpful here is the cyber essentials certification. Not only would it be a great addition to the list of certifications the business has acquired but would also help you gain better ratings after being a part of the government’s list of certified, accredited businesses.

How does the cyber Essentials Certification work?

Each one of these essential cyber certifications come with a price. A questionnaire meant for self-assessment accompanies the basic one. You might be filling up the answers, but the certification body will be judging your answers. If the answers meet up the criteria and are exactly what the body is looking for, you would be on your way to gaining the certification.

Another plan, Cyber Essentials Plus, comes with added perks. It has you answering the questions independently with a body verifying it separately. This comes with a price but is worth it especially if you take your cyber essentials secretly.

Cyber essentials cover all the essentials that your business might need to gain the certifications, the least efforts that you have to carry out the business in a safe manner. It is like a starting point for your business that would help you tackle the basic threats that your network might be prone to. To follow the GDPR rules, it is important that you gain certification of some sort. It will prepare you for the basic cyber breaches and build a sense of trust in your customers.

For more information on Cyber Essentials, feel free to get in touch with us. With the right plan to guide you, we will give your business follow the rules and get all the security that it might need.

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Written by Mudassar Ali

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