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The 5 Most Important Business Analysis Trends to Watch in 2018

Businesswoman standing with hands on hips

The changes in the business environment are happening at an accelerating speed. Now strategies are being formulated by the organizations to come up with traffic schemes to engage the customer and attain the largest share in the market. The acceleration in the digitalization is also one of the factors that are bringing change in the global market. It is perhaps we are expected to be more than all the other generations that passed, to create something extraordinary and magnificent through the business practices and set new heights. The competition is reaching a global height which poses a great opportunity for the business analyst to outshine their analytical skills. The top five business analysis trends that developing are:

Advancement in Artificial Intelligence

The advancement in Artificial intelligence is said to reach new heights in 2018. Although it is being considered mainstream because of the Siri, chatbot and other things, the connection and automation are supposed to take place in a surprisingly new way. The engagement with customers will be made more efficient and effective through Al

Switching to Cloud

The mobile phones now comprise a new built-in app to offer its users i.e. cloud. It means storing your data on someone else’s server. The businesses are switching to cloud technology because of its efficiency, flexibility, and scalability. The one feature that made cloud a source of potential risk due to cybersecurity issue is about to abolish. It is because of the recent modification that allows the user to store data that is available both off-site and on-site. This option offers more feasibility as the user can decide on whether they want a particular data on the cloud or not.

Increase in Mobile Apps

The trend as a result of the digital transformation is the mobile apps. The businesses are adopting mobile app strategy to compel their users and engage more customers. As desktop is being replaced by the smartphones creating app offers more visibility to the customers which is a trend of business analysis. These apps also concern security as the data for banking, insurance, and investment application is provided.

Gig Economy

The present trend in the industry is of gig economy. The gig economy is basically regarded that people are not inclined towards conventional jobs but are seeking temporary contractual jobs i.e. they are engaging in contractual projects as opposed to the full-time job. This affects the business analysis as the whole workspace is changing.

Shifting of the BA and PM

The development in business is bringing many shifts in the roles; some are shifting while some are being the merger. Same goes for the position of Project Manager and Business Analyst. Their role varies from business to business. In some companies BA’s advances on agile projects functioning hand-in-hand with the product owners while in other they are a unit of the development group. The PM and BA are operating strategically, concerning business cases and proposing possible solutions to businesses. The duties performed by these two are chief and will be required irrespective of the position or title.

Β 2018 is set to force the analytical thinking into the mainstream. The above mentioned five trends will help you to come up with complex business solutions expanding the strategic thinking.

Author Bio

Anna Chris is a business analyst and with fifteen years of experience in the same field. She is also an academic writer who writes frequently about the trends happening in the business world with this also expert in writing HND Assignments. She has also conducted workshops and seminars on the changing trends in Project Management.

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