
5 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Online Quizzes

It’s quite harder to catch participants’ attention than you thought. Ever wondered what the attention span of a person is?

Well, a person’s mean period of concentration is just 8 seconds, according to many studies conducted. Quizzes encourage you to remove all the noise and create meaningful connections with your audience.

People who use online quizzes are usually looking for the “ultimate” test. As you can imagine, the ultimate criterion can be quite tricky. For most of us, the test is a source of anxiety and stress. In fact, you can improve your test-taking skills by finding out more about the subject before you take the test.

If you’re ready to take your quiz game to the next level, you will love what we have in store for you.

  1. More response than a traditional testOnline quizzes have one advantage over traditional on-paper assessments: you get a lot more answers, with fewer questions. Regular exams typically have 20 or more questions, while online quizzes usually have 10-15 questions. This allows you to be more selective in choosing the correct answer for each question. It also improves your recall abilities, while giving the quiz maker more time to explore and get new exciting insights.

    The goal here is to have a positive conversation about the topic. It can be a topic of your choice, based on current knowledge and interests or a totally off-topic quiz.

    Usually, when the class ends, the class is over. While you have a better understanding of what you have learned and how these techniques can be implemented, quizzes will help keep the experience fresh. One can even choose to apply what they learned to their research or teaching.

    On average, classes can take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. And tests can be just as long, quizzes, on the contrary, take no more than 20-30 min. Students are encouraged to come in late and leave early, but everyone is welcome!

  2. Less hassle to set upIt is fast and efficient, you can set up a course or an interactive session, or check how much has the class learned. It’s not that difficult, it takes lesser time than a test, plus you can reuse it. Quizzes let you add an extra step (scoring) that makes the questions more challenging and help participants work on getting a higher score faster.

    As an educator, the time it takes to prepare a test is seldom less than the time to print and evaluate them. There are a lot of software out there that let you create custom-designed tests. I personally prefer SoGoSurvey. The thing I like the most is the ability to share the quizzes on multiple platforms. Share a link or drop them an email. No-fuss distribution, unlike the traditional method where you hand out the questionnaire to every participant. Plus, the benefit of instant results.

    These tools have many more options that can come in handy and offer personalization if you have something particular in mind.

    Software like that can range from free to premium, see what fits your bill.

  3. It’s more interactive

    There is a decent use of the term “interactive quiz,” but what even does it mean?

    In my view, it is when you have a questionnaire in which you choose the answer to a question, and the quiz gives you the results instantly. Everything is done through your web browser or mobile device.

    There is no lag between taking the quiz and seeing the score. This is unique to interactive questions because you don’t expect an email to obtain your results or collect your points on papers such as the traditional tests do.

    In a traditional setup, shy students might not always come forward and participate. Quizzes are useful because they take the essential aspect of the conventional method, which involves asking questions based on a lecture. And turn it into an interactive session and manages to capture the attention of the participant. In class, however, you might see a couple of answers, and then the rest of the class may go by without a response. Online quizzes bridge the gap in learning for all students alike.

  4. It saves time and helps improve knowledge

    Studying for a test can be really time-consuming and tedious to go back and forth between pages and pages of notes. Online quizzes make studying for a test a lot more efficient and fun.

    Irrespective of the field, be it math, science, or literature, every student can benefit from a quiz.

    There are plenty of online quizzes out there, some even specific to a topic or subject. It’s a good idea to take a few minutes to do some research before you take or make a quiz.

  5. Learn more!

    If you’ve never taken that quiz before, you might learn something new. And that too, without fearing bad performance. Since you don’t even know what your average score is, You can answer any question you want quickly, and with little practice, you can learn to improve your score.

    Tons of topics can be found online for questionnaires. There are thousands of internet quizzes that participants can take, make sure they’re not plagiarized, and not structured the wrong way.

    You don’t have to be good at math or reading, to do this.

    If you’re a little more knowledgeable about the subjects you’re being quizzed on, the answers might be more effective.

    Many online quizzes are based on questions that you have already answered in another test. They may even have quizzes you haven’t even seen yet! These are incredible opportunities to gain additional knowledge and experience.

    It might also be interesting to have other people evaluate your answer choices and make sure they’re appropriate.

    Study for as long or as little as you want, whenever you want. Online quizzes also save time. By using online quizzes, students can focus their study time or the target test. There is no limit to the number of quizzes you can take, nor a fee to participate in any quizzing service.

    You can try the pre-made quizzes that are offered. There are a variety of quizzes & surveys that can be purchased. Some even manage the entire project. There are services such as creating a quiz or a survey.

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Written by Krause Leia

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