
6 Things You Need on a Construction Site

Construction is a complicated business. You have a lot of things to watch out for. As a manager, keeping your site well supplied is absolutely essential if you want to have a properly-finished project. At the same time, there are quite a few regulations you have to follow along the way. Coupled with safety issues, it can be a hassle. Here are some examples of what you need on your construction site.

  • Barrier Planks

Safety is of the utmost importance on a construction site. What better way to protect workers than creating very easily identifiable barriers between them and the work area? This is why a lot of construction sites use barrier planks. Not only are they extremely conspicuous wherever they’re located, but they also prevent idle minds from wandering in physically. Even if you somehow don’t notice them, you won’t get past one unless you actively try to.

  • Small and Large Cranes

Cranes are the most recognizable aspects of a construction site. Obviously, they aren’t just there for looks. They are an integral part of the whole construction process. Lots of materials present in the construction site are way too heavy for any single person to lift them. Certain items like steel beams require a massive amount of power to bring to great heights and this is where cranes come in.

Even though they are omnipresent on large construction sites, many workers disregard safety standards when working near cranes of all sizes. Even the smallest crane can pulverize the human body in the blink of an eye, they are nothing to be trifled with. Crane operators cannot keep their eyes on the whole construction site, which is why the responsibility of safety rests of both worker’s shoulders.

  • High Visibility Clothing

Construction workers can only have so much perception to go around when working. The building site is a pretty busy area. You have hundreds of individuals moving around and doing all kinds of different jobs that are integral to the function of the site. Because of this, you want to make sure that every single worker is easily noticeable to anyone that is working with hazardous material or machines. Orange and yellow vests are absolutely essential as they also help during night visibility. Lights can only do so much and humans aren’t perfect. This is why you have to make it easier for workers to notice each other.

  • Protective Gear

Giving workers better visibility and more caution won’t stop every kind of accident. Sometimes work accidents truly are accidental. A wrench could fall from a three-story height and hit someone and seriously injure them. This won’t happen if they have proper protective gear along the lines of a hard hat.

Safety regulators like OSHA mandate safety gear on every single worker in the construction site. Without it, you’re going to end up getting some hefty fines from the government.

  • Storage Bins

Very large buildings require more materials than you can count to build. You have tons of metal, plastic, and wood involved which can take up a lot of space. You can’t keep these things in the dirt, they have to be in pretty good condition when they’re added to the rest of the building.

This is why construction companies consider Skip Bin Hire before starting their projects. Without someplace to put your equipment, it will be susceptible to the elements and that might make it unsuitable for use. Not everything will rust or rot in the rain, but you never know when it can be affected negatively, which is why you need to stay on the careful side.

  • Traffic Cones

Sometimes, construction will extend towards roads and bicycle paths that are still in use. However, you don’t want to put your workers on a collision course with moving vehicles. It’s dangerous enough working on a construction site, adding an additional risk would be an awful practice.

Traffic cones are a great way to show where cars can’t tread. It might inconvenience a lot of traffic during rush hour, but there’s nothing you can do about it. The building has to be finished and workers need to be kept safe.


It can be a daunting task to keep a construction site fully supplied. You have more materials than you can count and they need constant attention in order to stay functional. Luckily, with some organization skills and a good checklist, any quality manager can make it work. Just make sure to follow the rules.

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Written by Patrick Adams

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