
Attractive Wrap Boxes Is Not Difficult To Make! You Need a Great Teacher

A box plays a vital role in our lives. It is used for so many reasons such as a gift box, storage box, distribution box and packaging box. A box performs multiple tasks such as it provides safety to a product during transport or distribution and helps to store things. It makes shipping easy. When we talk about a wrap boxes, it seems so difficult to make it. But in reality, there is no hardship to create a beautiful and less expensive wrapped box.

Why do we need to wrap boxes?Β 

A wrapping acts as a small tool that helps us to beautify our tables at a low cost. Β An attractively packaged box can be used for different purposes. You can use it as a gift box. You can keep your jewellery in it and make it a jewellery box. Β A nicely wrapped box can increase the worth of your item, if you want to send chocolate and cakes to your friend, you can use the wrapped box to enhance the uniqueness and presentation will make your product memorable.

Many companies are providing custom wrap boxes according to the demand for a product and customer. They have a vast range of sizes, shapes, designs and colors. Customization of a box can make it more attractive in look. If you don’t want to purchase it, make it by yourself at home.

How to wrap a Box?

Wrapping a box is not rocket science. You can easily wrap a box beautifully just by knowing simple tricks. Β Once you understand simple box wrapping, then it will easy to try different and unique wrapping ideas. So it’s important to learn the basics of wrapping first. Now I am going to tell you some easy ways and tips that will surely help you to learn how to wrap my box and how to make it more unique and attractive.

Things you need:

β€’ Β  Β Empty plain box

β€’ Β  Β Scissor

β€’ Β  Β Tape

β€’ Β  Β Wrapping paper

β€’ Β  Β Pencil

β€’ Β  Β Scale or any other tool for measurement

β€’ Β  Β Ribbons and other decoration material


Step 1: Get the table you want to wrap

Firstly make sure that your schedule is not damaged from any side. If you don’t have any desk at home, you can purchase it from shops providing gift wrap box wholesale. It is strong enough to keep its shape. Clean your box with a tissue paper to remove dust.

Step 2: Prepare the box

Find out the top and bottom sides of your table. Now, prepare an area that must be smooth, flat and dry. Place your wrapping paper on the surface. Make sure that the printed side of the wrapping paper must be downward.

Step 3: wrap from one corner

Place the box at the one corner of the paper and turn the top over four times. Now the top is again facing up. Now mark on the paper. Measure the sides of a wrapping paper. Cut paper into a rectangle box-shaped.

Step 4: Fold and tape it

Place box at the center of rectangle piece of paper. Fold one side and tape it. Repeat this on all sides and tape them. Turn box and fold the top paper inside the box. Repeat it on the another side. Now you have covered all sides, top and bottom of your box.

Step 4: attaching a ribbon

Pick a ribbon; place it in the center of the box to make a box. You can also use different stones, flowers to make your gift wrap boxes attractive.

This process is very easy and inexpensive to make a box unique and attractive. You can send it an s a gift box and can make your friend amazed by your creativity. Here are Some Important Tips for beginners:

β€’ Β  Β Do not use a box of complex opening and closing.

β€’ Β  Β Use a thick paper; don’t use silky paper.

β€’ Β  Β Always cut paper big. You can cut extra paper after setting.

β€’ Β  Β Make sure your box is not moving during wrapping.

β€’ Β  Β Use a smooth surface to avoid damage of paper.

β€’ Β  Β  Use a sharp scissor so that edges of paper remain smooth.

β€’ Β  Β Select ribbon in contrast to paper.

β€’ Β  Β Don’t use dull and boring paper to wrap your box.

β€’ Β  Β Never use glue as it can damage soft papers.

These tips are very helpful for all beginners. By focusing on these tips, you can improve your wrapping skills. Always choose the box that is of quality and in good condition. If you are a beginner the choose wrapping paper that is smooth and have stability. Slippery or over shiny papers are difficult to handle, so choose paper wisely.

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Written by Ellifia Jhon

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