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Why Migrate To Sharepoint 2019

Sharepoint Migration Trajectories
Sharepoint Migration Trajectories

Microsoft has announced an enhanced SharePoint 2019 release in mid-2018. The OneDrive and SharePoint progressions seem to be the show stealer in the recent announcement by Jared Spataro, General Manager for Microsoft Office.

To utilize these features to the fullest, organizations need to migrate to SharePoint 2019. Of course, there are many SharePoint migration services and SharePoint development companies available to guide and aid you through the process. But, are the new features valuable enough to go through a migration process?

Well, they definitely are. And here’s why.

Security and compliance

Although the coming improvements are said to be a preview, the new features do answer some lingering shortcomings and unspoken insecurities that organizations face when they think of β€˜compliance and security’.

Multi-geo capabilities

Organizations get to choose the regional location for storing data and search index. This allows customized server locations even though the system is cloud-based.

Service level encryption with customer key

This feature has been available in SharePoint online for some time now. It enables the organizations to control access to content on an individual basis; the key can be revoked when required by the organization.

Regularized device access

This will enable organizations to limit access on a site-by-site basis (in OneDrive) from devices. This is based on the classification of content.

Improved Admin Centre

The admin home page contains the following tabs:

  • Home
  • Site Management
  • Sharing
  • Device Access
  • Settings

The home center gives you the big picture to analyze file-based and site-based activities. With the help of this analysis, the admin can find dead sites, observe user activity and have a bird’s eye view of the site analyses.

As you can see, Microsoft has borrowed the Site Management feature form SharePoint Online. This feature enables the admin to manage sites and the activities in every site in one go. There are filter and sort options to group and manage sites with ease.

The device access feature helps the admin to control content-access to non-compliant devices, thus restricting precious data leakage.

A new feature: Hub sites

A hub site is a new feature that will help the organizations collect and group similar team sites and Communication sites. It promotes a common UI and enables search throughout the grouped team and communication sites. It can aggregate activities, news, and related information from the related sites and display accordingly in the hub site home page.

This feature is very interesting, because it will help organizations engage the users through a non-invasive method of information sharing.

Improvements in Communication sites and Team Sites

Microsoft has announced new improvements in the device compliance area of communications sites. Owing to this, users can concentrate on the content or message and not worry about how it will look in various devices.

The already existing team sites have been improved by integrating it with Office 365 groups. Apart from document libraries and data sharing, the team sites can be used to stay connected with the team members 24/7.

SharePoint 2019 is packed with valuable enhancements and additions. Therefore, migration of data to this versatile, cloud-based system will definitely help you in future endeavors. If you choose to migrate to SharePoint 2019, choose a good Microsoft SharePoint Migration Services and Microsoft SharePoint Development Company. Paragyte has been helping its clients find feasible and sustainable Microsoft solutions successfully. You can contact Paragyte (Contact info) to know in detail about migration to SharePoint 2019.

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