
Stay Ahead of the Competition With Custom Printed Boxes

The trends of packaging in United States are changing and product based businesses are using stylish and innovative packaging for their products. The reason for this is the way it responds to them with positive outcome and improved sales. One of the major things is the use of custom printed boxes that are attractive and catch the attention of the customer immediately. The packaging boxes are custom printed with special printing techniques and machinery which produces high resolution graphics and images that win customers heart that ultimately generate sales.

Custom printed boxes provide a platform to the seller to communicate and convey the brand message to the customers. Whether its’ about transferring the information about the product, its ingredients or about the brand, these printed boxes can do all with ease. If we compare printed boxes with the ordinary brown boxes, there is literally no match. No matter how high the quality of the product, without custom printed boxes, it can never attain a better reputation in the market. There are different products that can be packed in custom printed packaging boxes

Retail Products: Items that are sold on grocery stores and have retail value can all be merchandised in custom printed boxes. From soaps, candles, coffee, rice to toys, software and stationery, all of these items can be effectively sold using printed boxes. The customization allows the seller to create boxes in any shape, size and style according to the product. These retail boxes are then printed with product related images, custom graphics and other alluring designs that catch customer attention and increase the value of the retail items.

There are different kind of custom boxes made for range of retail products, printed sleeves are also used for soaps whereas for coffee and sugar sachet, dispenser style boxes are preferred. Even for bottles and juices, custom printed boxes with inserts are used that has a handle on the top and used to carry 6 or 4 bottles at a time.

Cosmetic products: In United Kingdom, every woman use cosmetics to look beautiful, therefore there is a lot of demand for cosmetic products. Whether it is eye cosmetics like eyeliner, mascara and eyebrow pencil or lip cosmetics like lip liner and lipsticks, they are all very popular. Due to the huge demand, there is huge competition between the cosmetic brands and companies use different marketing strategies to win the customers trust on their brand. The use of custom printed boxes  can help them compete with confidence as it enables the customer to see read about the product and know about the brand through logo and printed slogan. Especially for cosmetics, the boxes can be made attractive and eye-catching that will make them interesting for the customers to see, pick and buy the cosmetics from the shop.

Clothing and gift items

The presentation of the gifts is the most important thing that people notice. No matter what is the product inside, the packaging must be attractive. Custom printed boxes can provide a perfect way through which gifts can be made beautiful and enchanting. The name of the gift recipient can be printed on the boxes along with the theme of the event in which the gift is to be presented. Christmas theme printing, wedding theme printing and birthday theme printing can be applied on the gift boxes to make them attractive. 

Apart from that, if a company wants to promote their clothing brand by offering favors and gifts to their customers, they can print the promotional content on the boxes which will accentuate the image of the brand in the mind of the customers and they will always remember the brand for life time.

Cardboard material for custom printed boxes 

Talking about the material used in the making of custom packaging wholesale, cardboard is the best among the lot. It can be printed with single solid color or with the combination of CMYK colors, even the cardboard boxes can be added with finishing add-ons like matte, gloss, spot UV, lamination and foiling. Gold foiled printed boxes are used for packaging of corporate gifts whereas the spot UV bring shine to the printed text. All of the cardboard boxes are foldable and are made in different styles for custom packaging wholesale . Some common styles include tuck end flap boxes for retail packaging, rectangle and cube boxes for cosmetic items like perfumes and eyeliners and luxury boxes like wrist watch boxes and jewelry boxes for the gift purpose.

Hence, the custom printed boxes are perfect for any kind of packaging. Whether it is consumer products packaging or for food items, printed packaging boxes are always helpful for the manufacturers.

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Written by Jeneva Jordan

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