
Transcreation & Translation: Which is more Important

Technology has made the world more globalized. However, there are many other things that businesses have to keep in mind and adapt before deciding to penetrate a foreign country.  The way we communicate in a foreign land is very important.

The challenging part is that companies have to communicate with the target market in the language that they understand while keeping cultural and regional intricacies in view.

Translation helps to communicate with the people in their mother tongue. But here the question comes how to get your message disseminated in a way that doesn’t ruin your brand’s reputation.

For this purpose, many companies take the assistance of professional transcreation services.

Why Go for Transcreation Services

Precise and accurate communication is a key to success in a foreign land. Developing the message with freedom of thought that resonates with the people with different preferences has resulted in the emergence of transcreation.

No matter which part of the industry you are dealing with, the cultural and regional intricacies can either make your brand’s reputation on a global level or can destroy it.

Do you know that during the Coronavirus pandemic, the requirement for the translation of digital translation services has increased up to 40%? The translation of marketing content is not sufficient to fulfill this requirement.

Here you need to adapt such flexibility in translation that can present your brand at an international level. Understanding the difference between transcreation and translation will give your business great leverage.

What Is Transcreation?

Transcreation is a combination of two words, translation and creation. Although translation is important in tapping into foreign land but for marketing and advertising your products, you have to go for transcreation.

Transcreation has a wider prospect. It includes cultural adaption, free-style translation, internationalization, creative translation, cross-market copy writing, and internationalization.

Transcreation is a process of communicating with different cultures and mitigating the communication barrier without considering the language limitations.

Written content is also included in transcreation. Different factors like culture and emotional intent are the main part. Marketing strategy and transcreation give it a voice.

It also gives focus to symbols, colors, and signs. Therefore, many global marketing companies take the assistance of transcreation services to stand out in the fierce competition.

In other words, transcreation is a method of reaching a target market with freedom of translation. It may alter the words. However, it does not change the intended message.

Difference Between Transcreation and Translation

Due to the beauty of multiple languages and distinct cultures, you must decide which service to go for your business. The objectives of both are the same. But if you are looking for a top translation company that can fulfill all your communication requirements, then you must know the difference between them.

Freedom of Expression

In corporate translation services, business documents are translated with utmost care considering professionalism. The business document is proofread and edited several times to provide impeccable translation services to the business world.

On the other hand, in transcreation services, the text is altered according to the preferences of the target market. Moreover, colors, regional lingo, and nuances are also changed according to the international market.


The translators are not allowed to change the source content. They just have to change the language from one to another. While producing a translation, they consider accuracy and precision and keep the style of the content intact. Translators just have to convey the message without their interpretation.

In the transcreation process, apart from language, other variables are also considered. The briefs of transcreation include visuals that help to communicate the intended message.

In other words, transcreation is like a localized marketing strategy that tries to resonate with the market.

Time Limit

Transcreation is like creative writing and it requires more time. For transcreation services, some companies provide them with the brief. On the other hand, some top translation companies receive a complete document and they are given the freedom to produce trans-created content.

This service requires creativity with the patience of a translation agency.  As it is said that translators require a long time to perform their tasks but at present technology advancement in the translation industry will help to speed up the transcreation process.

There are many top-rated translation companies in the global market. They provide the clients with professional transcreation services at a fast turnaround time and economical rates.

Wrapping Up

Communication in a language that is understood by the target market requires the service of proficient translators. Precise and accurate communication is very important in this era of globalization and digitization.

When the translated message resonates with the target market, then people will start recognizing your brand. Moreover, it helps to develop a strong relationship with the business stakeholders.

Translation and transcreation both require attention to detail. If you know the difference between these two, then you can decide whether you need to go for translation or transcreation.

The last and important step is to hire a top translation company that can provide you with professional transcreation services

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Written by Halen Terry

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