
Complete Knowledge About Bladder Cancer And Its Stages: Must Read

The bladder is a hollow pouch near your pelvis; its function is to store urine. According to the Indian Journal of urology, 5% of all cancer patients in India have bladder cancer. Bladder cancer occurs when the cells grow abnormally and can spread to other organs, e.g., the urethra. The symptoms include blood in the urine, pain during urination and severe back pain. Doctors believe that there are a variety of factors which make you vulnerable to bladder cancer. The considerations range from genetic makeup to previously having undergone chemotherapy or radiation therapy to the pelvis. Smoking tobacco is also a leading cause due to the bladder inflammation it causes. Tests for bladder cancer may include Mri,ct scan and chest scan.Β 

Bladder cancer stages

The stages of cancer range from 0 to iv. To determine what stage cancer in, doctors analyze 3 critical pieces of data, tumours, lymph nodes and metastasized. These three things determine how dangerous the disease is.

  1. Stage 0 – In stage 0, the cancer is only concentrated in one place in your hasn’t started spreading to your other organs or bladder tissue. It has also not spread to your lymph nodes.
  2. Stage I – It means it’s grown through the bladder but hasn’t reached the bladder muscle.niether has reached your other organs or lymph nodes. Chances of survival are at 77%.
  3. Stage II- cancer has grown through the bladder lining and into the muscle of the bladder.
  4. Stage III – in stage III, cancer has spread through the tissue of your may reach your, pelvis, penis, vagina or urethra. It is limited to that and hasn’t spread to your lymph nodes or organs.
  5. Stage IV- The deadliest stage, since chances of survival are significantly lower than stage 0 to III.cancer has spread from your bladder to your abdominal wall. It may have even reached yours lymph may also reach distant organs such as the lungs or liver.

Bladder cancer treatments

The bladder cancer treatment you will receive will depend on the type and when your doctor diagnoses cancer. Stage 0 and I are treated by Turbt and further chemotherapy to prevent reoccurrence. Stage II is treated by chemotherapy and radiotherapy and in most cases surgery. In Stage III treatment involves chemotherapy and radiation, with operation occurring first to stop cancer from, can also get supportive care and apply for clinical trials. Stage IV, since chances of survival are lower, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the only options. They can prolong patients life. Palliative care is a good option for stage IV cancer patients as it allows them to be pain-free and live more comfortably. Cancer treatment in India has advanced due to the growth of specialized cancer hospitals and cancer research centres. Early detection can play a crucial role in surviving cancer. therefore if you have any of the symptoms above it is a must you visit a doctor at the earliest.

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Written by Maya Kashyap

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