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Learn How Environmental Toxicants Affect Child Health at MedMaps CME Courses

An Overview of Environmental Toxicants

Many studies and research projects undertaken by the scientific and medical communities over the years have proven, time and again, that exposure to environmental toxicants during pregnancy can have adverse consequences for her health as well as that of her unborn child. Environmental toxicants can be a major risk factor affecting fetal development and child health. While scientists are yet to find any conclusive evidence about the exact amount of toxicants that can pose a threat to the health and wellbeing of children, hazardous substances of various kinds have been linked to a plethora of health crises and conditions, such as:

  • Intrauterine growth restriction
  • Pre-term birth
  • Low birth weight
  • Birth defects
  • Miscarriage
  • Physiological and cognitive deficiencies

These are some of the reasons why medical CME courses dealing with the effects of environmental toxicants are now offered at most pediatric conferences around the world. It has become necessary for modern pediatricians and healthcare providers to know about the latest research regarding environmental toxicants, in order to provide the best possible medical care to children.

Environmental toxicants have been known to cause breast cancer, hormonal imbalances, and asthma in women. Increasingly, maternal and child health professionals are focusing on the impact of environmental factors in the earliest stages of a baby’s life, as well as during the preconception period.

Medical professionals and scientists also believe that impoverished and low income families are more at risk of being affected by environmental toxicants during the period of pregnancy or early childhood, than their affluent counterparts.

Keynote Addresses On Environmental Toxicants

Apart from organizing medical CME courses and workshops dealing with environmental toxicants, the best pediatric CME conferences such as MedMaps also invite eminent industry veterans and thought leaders to deliver plenary speeches and keynote lectures on this subject. Dr. Brenda Eskenazi, an eminent professor of public health and epidemiology at the University of California, Berkeley, will be speaking about environmental toxicants and their effects on maternal and child health at the MedMaps Fall 2018 CME conference.

Dr. Eskenazi has had her research published in several key medical journals and was recently honored with the prestigious John R. Goldsmith award for her extensive contributions to the field of environmental epidemiology. Her current research interests include reproductive and perinatal epidemiology, maternal and child health, and prevalent epidemiological methods.

Furthermore, she is the Chair of Community Health and Human Development at the renowned School of Public Health, under UC Berkeley. An experienced epidemiologist and neuropsychologist, Dr. Eskenazi has long been interested in the effects of environmental toxicants on child development and human reproduction. These are some of the topics that she will be touching upon during her visit to the MedMaps Fall 2018 CME conference.

The MedMaps Fall 2018 Medical CME Conference

The Medical Academy of Pediatric and Special Needs will host the MedMaps Fall 2018 pediatric CME conference between the 20th and 22nd of September, 2018. The conference shall convene at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis in the city of Atlanta in Georgia. The symposium will be focusing primarily on the subject of neuro-developmental disorders in children with special needs. Attendees will be able to learn about the latest advancements in the field of pediatrics and the most innovative and effective treatment options currently in use.

The plenary session of the MedMaps conference will be focusing primarily on the topic of environmental toxicants. Apart from this, medical CME courses dealing with environmental medicine, neurology, and nutrition will also be organized. A special session on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is also scheduled to be held on Thursday, September 20th. Apart from Dr. Eskenazi, prominent thought leaders in the field of pediatrics such as Dr. Jose Cordero and Dr. Jeanne Conry will be delivering keynote addresses at the conference, as well.

In Conclusion

These are some of the reasons why the biannual MedMaps pediatric CME conferences are some of the most prominent events in the pediatric community. This conferences help healthcare providers stay abreast of the latest developments in the field of pediatrics while also learning new skills relevant to their profession. The various medical CME courses, sessions, and workshops to be offered are some of the other benefits of attending the MedMaps Fall 2018 Conference. Besides that, attendees will also get to meet some of the foremost experts in the field of environmental medicine and listen to trailblazing and informative lectures on the subject of environmental toxicants. Click here to register for the conference.

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Written by Chloe Paltrow

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