
5 Things to Look for When Hiring an E-Book Ghostwriter

Most people think they cannot be published e-book authors because they’re not a book writer. This is a misconception. If you have a great idea for an e-book, there should be nothing stopping you from sharing it with the world. This is where freelance ghostwriters come in.

What Do Freelance Ghostwriters Do?

A freelance ghostwriter is a paid professional who gets hired by other people to write an e-book on their behalf. The ghostwriter is paid money in advance to write the e-book. Once the ghostwriter is done writing, the e-book will be published with your name, and you will be the rightful author.

The best thing about freelance ghostwriters is that they have the ability to adapt to their clients’ needs. Every author has a different tone of voice, and these ghostwriters can match that tone.

Why Do You Need One?

There are a number of reasons why hiring freelance ghostwriters is a good idea for many people. These reasons include:

  • You’re not a book writer – you feel that you don’t have the ability to write well.
  • You don’t have the time – writing an e-book requires a lot of time, which you simply may not have.
  • Writing it yourself doesn’t serve your purpose – If you want to publish an e-book as part of your business strategy, it is probably a good idea to get someone else to write it.

There can be countless other reasons, but in the end, it is really up to you. However, if you do decide to go ahead with freelance ghostwriters, there are certain things you should look for.

1. Look at Their Portfolio

Most freelance ghostwriters have a portfolio of their work, so you’re able to get a sense of their different writing styles and their level of skill. If they don’t have a portfolio, it’s probably not a good idea to hire them, given the fact you have no idea how they’ll be writing your e-book.

Unless they’ve signed an NDA, it’s a good idea to ask for their published work, as this shows that they’ve been working in the industry for a while and know their way around it. Do not hire ghostwriters who say you’ll be their first project and don’t have any sort of published work or writing to show you.

2. Test Their Knowledge

It’s a good idea to prepare a questionnaire beforehand and then sit down with the ghostwriter to interview them. This is a great way to test their knowledge, let them know your expectations, and see if they will be able to meet them.

You can also ask if they’d be willing to do a test project. Provide them with a scenario and then get them to expand on it. This will give you an idea of how they’ll be writing your e-book and whether or not it is what you’re looking for.

3. Ask For Referrals

See if you can get them to give you some references for their previous clients. A good writer would not hesitate to provide you with references. Be sure to get in touch with these clients and ask them for feedback on the ghostwriter you’re planning to hire. Ask them how their experience was and whether or not they would hire that particular writer again.

Some other things to ask them include:

  • Were they on schedule?
  • Was their writing of high quality?
  • Did they do extensive research?
  • Would you hire them again?

4. Discuss Cost and Timelines

Freelance ghostwriters normally charge according to the word count. Ghostwriters with more experience will charge more than others, so while picking a ghostwriter, you also need to keep in mind who you can afford. You’ll be wasting your time and the writer’s time if you discuss everything and then realize you cannot afford the writer. The good news is there are plenty of great ghostwriters who work for different budgets, so you are sure to find someone you like.

Discussing timelines is also very important, especially if you’re opting for a ghostwriter because you’re short on time, and you want things done by a certain date. It would be best if you communicate this early on. Don’t wait until the writer has started writing your book because then you won’t be able to do anything about it.

The time it takes to write an e-book depends on how extensive you want the research to be. If you provide the writer with most of the required material, the timeline will be shorter. On the other hand, if you only provide them with a basic outline, it might take them longer.

5. Make Sure They’re the Right Fit

You might find a really good ghostwriter who has an excellent portfolio and exceptional references. However, they might not be the right fit for you. If you’re asking a non-fiction writer to write fiction for you, they might not be able to do justice to it. In the same way, asking a ghostwriter to write a biography is very different from asking them to write a self-help book. Every writer has a niche, and you need to be looking at writers who fit your genre.

Final Thoughts

These five things are bound to help you find the right book writer who is able to make your dream of becoming a published author come true. Just remember that finding the right freelance ghostwriters is as important as the process of writing the book.

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Written by Rob Davis

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